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Feedback on Hydrant Entity Attributes #132

Open bahimc opened 1 year ago

bahimc commented 1 year ago

We would like to request feedback from the community on the Hydrant entity attributes in the ICEG Data Model. Specifically, we would like to know if the following attributes for the Hydrant entity are sufficient to cater for various use cases or if there are any attributes that are missing.

Also, we have provided some values for the attributes below, but we would appreciate confirmation of the specific type of values that these attribute can take, when relevant

In addition, we would like to know if the community would prefer any of these attributes to be optional or mandatory and what the cardinalities should be. We would also like to know if the community would be able to provide all the mandatory information, or, with data minimization in mind, if some of the entities and/or attributes should be stripped off.

Please share your feedback and suggestions so that we can improve the ICEG Data Model. Thank you in advance for your valuable input!

VPiersonSWDE commented 1 year ago

hydrant.signage: The signalling of hydrants is a communal competence ==> On the side of producers and distributors, we do not necessarily have the information (in our case, not at all)

VPiersonSWDE commented 1 year ago

hydrant.identifier: Wouldn't it be interesting to put in the identification number a specific pattern related to each owner?

VPiersonSWDE commented 1 year ago

hydrant.usage: The only distinction we make is whether it's raw water or treated water.

bahimc commented 1 year ago

hydrant.identifier: Wouldn't it be interesting to put in the identification number a specific pattern related to each owner?

Thanks for the feedback @VPiersonSWDE. The identifier attribute is broad enough to all for different types of patterns. The Identifier data type is used in ADMS and allow for contextual information to be captured (see below).

Conceptual Model | RDF term used -- | -- identifier | content identifier type | scheme identifier date of issue | N/A issuing authority | scheme identifier agency issuing authority URI | N/A N/A | scheme identifier version

bahimc commented 1 year ago

hydrant.signage: The signalling of hydrants is a communal competence ==> On the side of producers and distributors, we do not necessarily have the information (in our case, not at all)

Thank you for raising the question about the signaling attribute for hydrants. It may be worthwhile to investigate whether other group members have this data, and if not, we may recommend removing the attribute. Alternatively, if it's determined that the attribute is valuable, we can make it optional for companies who may not have this information.

VincentFeremans commented 1 year ago

We received input from Vivaqua regarding the attributes they report on and made a mapping with those we have already proposed to include in our data model.

Attribute in our model Attribute in Vivaqua's model
hydrant.identifier Number
hydrant.identifier Hydrant ID
hydrant.valveDiameter Diameter in CM
hydrant.status Status of Hydrant
hydrant.type Type
hydrant.valveType Valve
hydrant.lastInspectionDate Inspected on

For hydrant.valveType ("Vanne"), we received the following input: "no valve", "valve sandwich", "simpel valve", " combined valve", "unknown". We propose a code list and ask the working group whether this list is exhaustive.

However, there are still some new ones which we are researching further. We would already like to point out three of these new attributes:

We ask the group to let us know whether these attributes should be included in the model. In case they should be added to the model, we would like to ask the community about the different values for these attributes or if they should be string fields.

bahimc commented 1 year ago

Water-link provided us with input regarding the attributes necessary to document hydrants. We have created a mapping between their attributes and ours, along with suggested data types. Based on our analysis, it appears that there are two different attributes related to the status of hydrants, namely 'hydrantstatus' and 'toestand'. Additionally, the attribute 'hydrant.identifier' can accommodate multiple identifiers, including 'nummer' and 'brwnummer'. Lastly, we consider 'aard' to be a value for the attribute type. Therefore, we do not propose any changes or additions to our existing model, except for 'hydrant.valveDiameter', for which we suggest using a codelist instead of a string. Does everybody agree?

Attribute in our model Attribute from Water-link Range-type from Water-link
hydrant.identifier id long integer
hydrant.identifier nummer varchar
hydrant.identifier brwnummer varchar
hydrant.type typehydrant codelist
hydrant.type aard coldelist
hydrant.startDate datumplaatsing datetime
hydrant.status hydrantstatus codelist
hydrant.status toestand codelist
hydrant.lastInspectionDate datumpaatstetoestand datetime
hydrant.lastInspectionDate datumlaatstestatus datetime
hydrant.valveDiameter diameter codelist codelist
hydrant.geometry geometry sql spatial geometrie formaat
bahimc commented 1 year ago

After comparing the code lists received from different sources, we have identified that 'ondergronds' (underground) and 'bovengronds' (above ground) types are the common denominators. Therefore, we will use these attributes as the basis for documenting the type of hydrants in our list. If there are additional attributes that should be included in our list, please let us know.

Water Link Zone 4 Fluvia Zone 2 & 3 Knokke de Farys Watergroep AIEC
ondergronds bouche ondergronds sous-terrain Knooppunt Ondergronds brandkraan Ondergronds bouche icendie
bovengronds borne bovengronds aérien - - - borne incendie
- - bovengronds bemeterd aftappunt - - - - robinet de purge

We received a set of attributes from Water Link, which include the following:

Similary, we received these extra attributes from Fluvia:

However, upon comparing the lists from different sources, we found that none of the other materials received referred to these specific attributes. Therefore, we have not included them in the mapping table. It's important to note that the attribute for diameter is captured by another attribute, which is already included in the model.

VincentFeremans commented 1 year ago

Concerning 'hydrant.status', we received only the following values. AGSO Knokke-Heist and IWVA only use "in gebruik", while Farys also uses the value "tijdelijk buiten bedrijf" in addition to the similar value "in bedrijf". Moreover, Pidpa follows a similar approach with "Bruikbaar" and "Niet Bruikbaar" but also provides status types such as "Ontoegankelijk" and "Bruikbaar met opmerkingen". In case of the latter, offers Pidpa the possibility to indicate which defects/problems a certain hydrant has. This information is then shared on maps as well.

AIEC, on the other hand, uses a different approach for stating the operational status of a hydrant through "excellent","bon", "mauvais" and "à remplacer". Please note that this analysis is based on actual data received, and it may not cover all potential pipe statuses.

Furthermore, Water-link presented an even more extensive list:

Although we have observed different values in various models, we are confident that they can be mapped to the initial proposition mentioned in "operational," "out of service," and "scheduled for maintenance".

We would appreciate it if you could confirm whether these three attributes are exhaustive for a code list on hydrant.status, or if additional values are needed.

Lastly, we noticed that Pidpa also has an attribute called hydrant.inspectionStatus. However, we believe that the attribute hydrant.status already encompasses this.

VincentFeremans commented 1 year ago

We noticed that there is are some participants who measure hydrant.flowRate differently using different units (e.g., L/s , L/min, m3/h, ...).

We ask the working group whether L/min is the best unit of measure for this attribute or whether another one must be used (e.g., m3/h)?

Furthermore, Zone VHP indicated the irrelevance of the attribute hydrant.signage, due to which we recommend to remove this from the data model. If anyone disagrees, please let us know.

Lastly, Zone VHP also proposed the attribute hydrant.openingKey ("clé de manoeuvre") with the following values:

Since we have not seen this attribute anywhere else, we ask the working group to let us know whether this should be included into the model and if so, whether it needs to be a code list or a string.

VincentFeremans commented 1 year ago

hydrant.flange ("bride"): A rib or rim for strength, for guiding, or for attachment to another object. It is used to join different sections of a hydrant, such as the main body and the nozzle or valve.

As we are investigating all elements of a hydrant which are of importance, we would like to ask once more whether the "flange" (bride) is of value to insert into the data model.

VincentFeremans commented 1 year ago

We received some interesting insights regarding the valve of a hydrant. In the model used by AIEC, a valve is an entity on itself with the following attributes:

AIEC data model
General position
Opstream flow (source, CE reservoir, etc.)
Downstream flow
Handling impact (streets impacted if closed)
CV status if CV

However, we will not include these attributes in our model and create a separate entity for valve at this moment. We do ask the working group to inform us in case some (or all) of these attributes should indeed be documented in our model.

Furthermore, Zone VHP highlighted that we should include the attribute hydrant.exits to our model which refers to the hydrant outlets.

Value examples for hydrant exits/outlets:

As far as we understood, no other organisation specifically pointed out these "outlets". We therefore ask the working group if the attribute of "diameter" is mentioned in a data model, it then refers to this element or to the valve of a hydrant? We also ask the working group whether hydrant.exits should be included into the model and whether this list of values is exhaustive enough? If so, we propose to have a code list.

VincentFeremans commented 1 year ago

hydrant.controlledBy: The name of the person who inspected the hydrant of performed maintenance on the hydrant for the last time.

After further analysis, this attribute will not be documented in the model as the employee who performed this action is of lesser importance to our model and only of internal importance for water companies . The main focus for our model lies on which organisation operates a certain hydrant. Please let us know in case any of you disagree with this comment.

VincentFeremans commented 1 year ago

During the first thematic workshop, it was indicated that "Open Water" should also be included into the model (under hydrant.type). However, we received a model from Fluvia in which Open Water is an entity on itself:

Overview of the most interesting attributes
Open water Type
Large water transport name
Approach route
Installation location
Reachable with
Estimated amount
State of the open water

We kindly ask the working group to let us know if Open Water can be mapped under `hydrant.type or if it should be a separate entity? Furthermore, if it should be a separate entity, please inform us whether these attributes related to open waters should also be included into the model and if they are exhaustive. We thank you in advance.

cdemoor commented 1 year ago

Open Water - is not a hydrant - it will have different attributes, so it's more logic to see it as a different feature. (naturally you could make it one by adding a type with possible values 'Open Water' and 'Hydrant' - disadvantage is then several attributes empty depending on this type) I would choose for 2 different features.

cdemoor commented 1 year ago

Avoid names of persons else GDPR will apply, contacts can be phonenumber , emailaddres, servicename (companyname)

cdemoor commented 1 year ago

I see for status , you indicate operational , out of service, scheduled for maintenance. My question if only for fire-departments , quality of water isn't relevant, but for other emergency services, i would understand to know if water is drinkable or not can be useful.

cdemoor commented 1 year ago

If all this data is brought to one platform - also to talk about is, frequency en format of data exchange. and for actual status do you want for example a rest-service so this can be requested and verified real time ? (think about a unique key of the hydrant then) or use of wms / wfs with color-symbol to know actual status (use OGC standards for exchange of data)

VincentFeremans commented 1 year ago

_We have initiated the public review of the ICEG Hydrants model. We appreciate all the feedback we received within this conversation and want to notify that everything has been addressed in the model, which can be accessed via the following link:

We advise you to review the model internally and welcome any final adjustment requests or suggestions you may have.

Kind regards, The ICEG Hydrants Team

thirions commented 9 months ago

FireHydrant HydrantType (=soort) • Above ground • Rinsing point --> Are hydrants with type 'spoelpunt' useful in final datasets? • Under ground • Wall mounted --> Not used by De Watergroep

Identifier • OK (=G3E_FID)

FlowRate • Not possible to provide this information

Status • OK (=status)

LastInspectionDate • Data not yet available for De Watergroep • In scope in Enterprise Assetmanagement project

StartDate • OK (=plaatsingsdatum)

Geometry • OK

OpeningKey • OK (= 20mm)

StatusRemark • Not mandatory

Address • Not Mandatory = OK

Outlet • OK

Valve • OK