belgif / thematic

ICEG: Thematic Working Groups
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Soms kan familienaam leeg zijn internationaal (Ex. Indonesia) #153

Open dhondtl opened 3 months ago

dhondtl commented 3 months ago

What should the cardinality be for the familyName? How can we ensure that a person can still be identified if the givenName can also be omitted? Should the familyName be mandatory?

saxomoose commented 3 months ago

Create a Person.personalDesignation → PersonalDesignation [0..*] attribute with the following shape:

designationValue → String [1..*]
designationType → Code

This object can be used to tackle a number of cases:

Using this solution, we could drop Person.birthName and Person.patronymicName and handle them through PersonalDesignation.

A business rule outside the model would need to stipulate that either a Person.familyName must be present OR a Person.personalDesignation with a given type (e.g.: family name absent following cultural convention).

saxomoose commented 3 months ago

During WG 2024-04-04 above proposal was rejected. Preference goes towards separate attributes. We have tried to balance this choice against the need to keep the number of attributes limited for ease of use.

Current proposal is:

saxomoose commented 2 months ago

During WG 2024-04-25, the proposition was made to use a flexible Name object (similar to the proposal made in the comment above.

An example of both approaches can be found here.

Do note that this has an impact on history tracking (cf. #160). With the current mechanism to designate a Property (typeName and propertyName), history is aggregated across all name types. In order to avoid this (e.g.: in order to return history of given names apart from the history of family names), Property would need to be extended to further distinguish the data points (e.g.: typeName, propertyName and propertyType).