belgif / thematic

ICEG: Thematic Working Groups
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Associate Person with one or many LanguageProficiency #165

Open saxomoose opened 1 month ago

saxomoose commented 1 month ago

While not explicitly present in IBZ ITs, it might be useful to record the language skills / preferences of a person. Using a LanguageProficiency object allows to stipulate whether the proficiency is native / preferred or to set the skill level according to the Common European Framework of Reference.

JDMKSZ commented 1 month ago

I don't think this should be part of the model. This information is not registered. The only place where this information would be registered is on a person's resume or a resume-like database like LinkedIn. This is not what we're modeling here, we're modeling the exchange of person information within an between Belgian governments. In this scope, the only language that is important is the preferred communication language of the person (the language in which the person wants to be addressed). But this information is very sensitive and hence was dropped from the National Register, so I'm not sure it should be part of the model.

saxomoose commented 1 month ago

Language data is registered about persons in certain contexts (statistics, language of child parents, preferred communication language,...). We could therefore choose to add this datapoint to the vocabularium but leave it out of the application profile meant to represent the person data as exposed by the authentic sources.