I am using your library with Cocoapods. Unfortunately I get some error messages when trying to run this code.
/Users/david/Desktop/Zeugs/Objective-C Zeugs/iOSApps/PinFever/Pods/ABRequestManager/Classes/Managers/ABRequestManager.m:20:33: Cannot find protocol declaration for 'SCNetworkReachabilityDelegate'
/Users/david/Desktop/Zeugs/Objective-C Zeugs/iOSApps/PinFever/Pods/ABRequestManager/Classes/Managers/ABRequestManager.m:102:56: No visible @interface for 'SCNetworkReachability' declares the selector 'initWithHostName:'
/Users/david/Desktop/Zeugs/Objective-C Zeugs/iOSApps/PinFever/Pods/ABRequestManager/Classes/Managers/ABRequestManager.m:103:23: Property 'delegate' not found on object of type 'SCNetworkReachability *'
Seems like a version error to me since there is no delegate in the SCNetworkReachability class I get from pod install.
I am using your library with Cocoapods. Unfortunately I get some error messages when trying to run this code.
Seems like a version error to me since there is no delegate in the SCNetworkReachability class I get from pod install.