bellaPatricia / AnotherSc2Hack

Hacking Blizzard Entertainment's Game "StarCraft II" with external methods
GNU General Public License v2.0
34 stars 14 forks source link

This application still works in the Legacy version of the void? #59

Open scovl opened 7 years ago

scovl commented 7 years ago

I want to use only the apm apm live and alert. You can use these features in current versions of SC2?

bellaPatricia commented 7 years ago

No, it doesn't. It worked by reading the player's API from memory to get the most accurate APM.

scovl commented 7 years ago

I regret having abandoned the project. Did a good job.

bellaPatricia commented 7 years ago

Never too late to return! If I ever had the ability to reserve that deep into the code, I'd totally do it and make an electron app so Mac users might benefit, too!

scovl commented 7 years ago

I believe that a project more 'lightweight' would be better. For example, instead of maphack or hack's external programs to help train. The live apm, and apm alert are examples. A pity that no longer exists, or the scelight that was based on the Windows Registry (the .sc2 cut this function).

bellaPatricia commented 7 years ago

High APM is not going to improve your game. You have a better chance at improving using the Worker watcher (see idle CC/Nexus time) or a plain maphack (see proxy and scouting patterns).

Seeing how many workers you have helps, too.

You have a better chance learning the timings from experienced gamers rather than figuring it out yourself with a production panel or something.

scovl commented 7 years ago

By the way, let me commend you! You do good work. Congratulations!

bellaPatricia commented 7 years ago

Thank you very much <3

scovl commented 7 years ago

I understand what you says about the APM. However, as for me, help me regarding 'performance' keep me relatively quickly in the administration of my resources. A pity that this feature doesn't exist.

I would like to contribute to your project. But, my knowledge with C# is null. I'm a Linux user, and use Windows only for games

bellaPatricia commented 7 years ago

The hard part is finding the offsets now and keeping them updated. The actual code base should be okay.

scovl commented 7 years ago

Do you have another account at the github, right?

bellaPatricia commented 7 years ago

I do have a few, yeah. Why do you ask?

scovl commented 7 years ago

It's because, it seems unlikely that someone like you who shows so much talent in development, sums up to a profile with as few projects and no contacts.

bellaPatricia commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the flowers. I think it's rather unclever to connect your real profile with a hacking profile.

Good for the CV, bad for me when Blizzard has an easier time figuring my identity out.

scovl commented 7 years ago

Add-me with your true profile then. I'll know who it's :)

Note: I don't work at Blizzard, lol.

NightWarriorbg commented 7 years ago

I was thinking about about the idea of making some kind of documentation so it will be easier for people to understand the project. If there are actually 10+ people working and doing different kinds of things I am pretty sure we will be able to figure things out and bring back sc2 hacks.

bellaPatricia commented 7 years ago

Sounds pretty cool and I'd totally begin to work on this project again. Though, the interna structure changed a lot and I'm not sure if it's easy to document. :s

NightWarriorbg commented 7 years ago

I know a guy who might be interested. I can ask him. Maybe we can make a new theme on d3scene and see how many people would like to participate.

NightWarriorbg commented 7 years ago

Btw can you provide links of some useful articles or tutorials which can help you make a tool like this? It will be very useful for me at least because I don't know really where to start off. I have 6+ years of programming experience but non in reverse ebgineering and developing any good UI tools.

bellaPatricia commented 7 years ago

You can ask him and point him to this discussion. I don't think posting anything about help on d3scene is any productive to get things actually done. It's more consumer oriented and people that are capable of making it work rather work on their projects.

Most things I know are easy reverse engineer things (though, I wouldn't call what I did reverse engineering - I barely scratched the surface). So you are good to go with CheatEngine and it's tutorial. Anything else was SC2 internals and the structure (like a color is an index number instead of an RGB code) which were easy to find out or other people did the work and I could build upon that.

exsalevator commented 7 years ago

added you on skype bella.

bellaPatricia commented 7 years ago

Accepted you.

NightWarriorbg commented 7 years ago

I want to help as much as I can as well and I also added you on skype.

papayaah commented 5 years ago

👋 @bellaPatricia is this still working or can be build upon?