bellabaohaha / CITS5206-Gp2

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Gantt Chart #29

Closed asadmaza closed 3 weeks ago

asadmaza commented 3 weeks ago

I've finalised everything but the Gantt chart, going to do this now...

asadmaza commented 3 weeks ago

Will use Github Issues.

asadmaza commented 3 weeks ago

Designing it based on time remaining after this week's submission and team members aren't available in study break.

Project Timeframe:

Start Date: Monday, 26/08/2024 Skip Study Break Week: 02/09/2024 End Date: Friday, 18/10/2024 (including a buffer week) Total Duration: 8 weeks (excluding study break)

Gantt Chart Timeline

Week 1: Planning and Initial Setup (26/08/2024 - 30/08/2024) Week 2-3: Prototype Development (09/09/2024 - 20/09/2024) Week 4-5: Gateway and Cloud Integration (23/09/2024 - 04/10/2024) Week 6: Visualization & Analytics (07/10/2024 - 11/10/2024) Week 7-8: Testing, Documentation, and Buffer (14/10/2024 - 18/10/2024)

Key Stages and Tasks

Stage 1: Planning & Initial Setup (Week 1)

Task 1: Finalize Project Documentation Plan Assigned to: David Shang Duration: 26/08/2024 - 30/08/2024 Objective: Develop a structure for the project documentation, including sections and subsections, and get feedback from the client. Friday Meeting: Feedback session with stakeholders.

Task 2: Component Procurement Assigned to: Bella Bao Duration: 26/08/2024 - 30/08/2024 Objective: Get components for the IoT prototype and gateway system, consult Atif/Andrew Burrell.

Stage 2: Prototype Development (Week 2-3)

Task 3: Soil Moisture Sensor Integration Assigned to: Dharani Kumari Nagali Duration: 09/09/2024 - 13/09/2024 Objective: Integrate the soil moisture sensors with the TTGO T-Beam microcontroller, test, and calibrate.

Task 4: Power Management System Assigned to: Udaymithra Kalla Duration: 09/09/2024 - 13/09/2024 Objective: Develop and test a power management system for the IoT prototype, focusing on sleep and duty cycles.

Task 5: LoRa Communication Setup Assigned to: Hanni Bao Duration: 09/09/2024 - 20/09/2024 Objective: Set up and test the LoRa communication between the Soil Moisture Monitoring System and the LoRa Gateway.

Stage 3: Gateway and Cloud Integration (Week 4-5)

Task 6: Gateway Communication and Data Transmission Assigned to: David Shang Duration: 23/09/2024 - 27/09/2024 Objective: Configure the LoRa gateway to receive data from the IoT prototype and transmit it to AWS IoT Core.

Task 7: Cloud Storage Setup (AWS IoT Core & DynamoDB) Assigned to: Asad Maza Duration: 30/09/2024 - 04/10/2024 Objective: Set up AWS IoT Core and DynamoDB to store the transmitted data from the gateway.

Stage 4: Visualization & Analytics (Week 6)

Task 8: Develop Visualization Dashboard (Alternative 1) OR Connect to John Deere API Assigned to: Bella Bao & Dharani Kumari Nagali Duration: 07/10/2024 - 11/10/2024 Objective: Create basic visualization dashboard using AWS QuickSight or send data to John Deere Platform using Assets API.

Stage 5: Testing, Documentation, and Buffer (Week 7-8)

Task 9: System Testing and Validation Assigned to: Udaymithra Kalla & Hanni Bao Duration: 14/10/2024 - 16/10/2024 Objective: Conduct end-to-end testing of the system, validate data transmission, and refine any issues found.

Task 10: Finalize Project Documentation Assigned to: Asad Maza & David Shang Duration: 14/10/2024 - 17/10/2024 Objective: Complete the project documentation, including final reports, and prepare for the handover.

Task 11: Stakeholder Presentation and Handover Assigned to: All Members Duration: 18/10/2024 Objective: Present the final solution to stakeholders and complete the handover.

asadmaza commented 3 weeks ago

Asked team member to create the Gantt Chart. Closing.