bellecarrell / twitter_brand

In developing a brand on Twitter (and social media in general), how does what you say and how you say it correspond to positive results (more followers, for example)?
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Read recommended references #128

Open abenton opened 4 years ago

abenton commented 4 years ago


"A Longitudinal Study of Follow Predictors on Twitter": looks like a very nice paper and very relevant. We have to read through this and understand how our work differs from theirs. We also need to go through the bibliography to better frame our work, ground what we mean by "strategies", etc. Seems like an excellent resource for digging into the literature.

"To Follow or Not to Follow: Analyzing the Growth Patterns of the Trumpists on Twitter": analysis of follower dynamics around Trump in the 2016 election. Find that the more Trump tweets, the more the follower network grows. Should read this carefully and cite, as the analysis is similar to our own albeit on a very particular blogger and only considering a small set of explanatory variables.

"Follow the Green: Growth and Dynamics in Twitter Follower Markets": analysis of Twitter markets, how they operate, and how prevalent they are. They fit a model to discriminate between accounts that bought followers and those that did not (strong performance). We should read and reference this to rebuts concern about not adequately controlling for follower purchasing. This paper is not directly related to our research problem, though.

abenton commented 4 years ago

See notes here

under backup/outlines_and_notes/coling2020_litreview_notes.txt