bellecarrell / twitter_brand

In developing a brand on Twitter (and social media in general), how does what you say and how you say it correspond to positive results (more followers, for example)?
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meeting 9/3 #45

Closed bellecarrell closed 6 years ago

bellecarrell commented 6 years ago

agenda (& questions/talking points)

  1. percentiles, log follower and follower; cd plot (look at & discuss. x + y axes for cd plot?)

  2. cron job for collecting user infos (setting up & organizing user infos over time. subdirectories by collection date or user id?)

  3. hit [will update tomorrow after i start]

  4. misc. next steps?

bellecarrell commented 6 years ago


  1. bins: 20-30,30-40,...,90-95,95-99,99-100; normal cd plot
  2. manually submit until cron job set up
  3. note: no form tags; annotate 1000 samples, train classifier
  4. prepare for meeting with Dirk -- what we've done with data, what we're hoping to do; qualitative analysis across bins (topic differences, tf-idf document ranking); timeline after stratified sample
bellecarrell commented 6 years ago

log_follower: 0.0 follower: 1.0 log_follower: 1.3617278360175928 follower: 22.999999999999996 log_follower: 1.845098040014257 follower: 70.00000000000001 log_follower: 2.1846914308175984 follower: 152.99999999999986 log_follower: 2.469822015978163 follower: 295.0 log_follower: 2.730782275666389 follower: 537.9999999999997 log_follower: 2.9916690073799486 follower: 981.0000000000001 log_follower: 3.248953615495707 follower: 1773.9999999999977 log_follower: 3.556784782307025 follower: 3603.999999999996 log_follower: 3.9690429673058127 follower: 9311.999999999989 log_follower: 5.287759193851589 follower: 193980.99999999994

bellecarrell commented 6 years ago

You can start to put together a Mechanical Turk HIT while you wait for users to be filtered. Attached is an example HIT form. We want to adapt this HIT to present the Turker with a link to a Twitter user summary page (example format:${user_screenname} ) and then ask them to annotate the following: