bellecarrell / twitter_brand

In developing a brand on Twitter (and social media in general), how does what you say and how you say it correspond to positive results (more followers, for example)?
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pre-study followup #69

Closed bellecarrell closed 5 years ago

bellecarrell commented 5 years ago

Another quantity we will want to report is a (better) measure of inter-annotator agreement, over all workers

This is an implementation I modified in the past: It is more robust to things like high baseline accuracy Kappa statistics are nicer than just simple % agreement because they control for things like baseline distribution over classes.

You should look at Cohen's kappa first: Fleiss' kappa is a generalization to more than 2 annotators

Yeah, if you could summarize what our recall of promotional users was, distribution over categories, that would be good

bellecarrell commented 5 years ago

prominent clusters: health, arts (photography, music, writing, etc.)

bellecarrell commented 5 years ago

got examplar accounts for health and arts and updated html and generate hit script. will be getting sample later

bellecarrell commented 5 years ago

400 sample csv in repo

bellecarrell commented 5 years ago

kappa moving to another issue. closing