bellepixel / intro-data-capstone-biodiversity

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Summary #4

Open sen1 opened 6 years ago

sen1 commented 6 years ago

Great work! I probably won’t have much to say here because you pretty much nailed it all the way through.

Your Python work was excellent and very readable. There are a couple points where your code could be accomplished a bit more efficiently, but everything worked the way it was supposed to.

Presentation: I think your graphs look excellent. I would more details of your calculations, results and explanations of those results to reach a conclusion. E.g. a significant p-value between mammals and reptiles means mammals are more endangered than reptiles. I would have loved to see a little bit more explanation about the calculations you made to reach them (perhaps include p-values, etc). I totally understand the inclination to not want to include too much technical information, but adding a bit in for context can go a long way.

Excellent work overall.

bellepixel commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much for taking the time to review my work. As someone entirely new to code this has been such a challenge for me! Some of the issues you see here relate to my limited fluency in coding, statistics and even animal conservation. I felt like I understood many of the concepts but didn't have the vocabulary to communicate them back. This review has really made my day! Thank you so much!!