bellingcat / open-questions

Want to contribute? These are difficult, long-term projects that could be valuable to open source investigators at Bellingcat and around the world.
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Added reference to Pyeo #3

Closed Thingus closed 2 years ago

Thingus commented 2 years ago

Hi maintainers, I've added a link to a library I worked on that I think it relevant here. Please feel free to delete if this isn't needed/wanted.

loganwilliams commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the contribution, @Thingus! I'm going to leave this unmerged, since the topic is specific to Sentinel-1 complex single look data, which is still pretty specialized. That said, I hadn't heard of your tool before and I appreciate bringing it to my attention. I'll definitely give a shout-out if we end up using it for something.