bellingcat / telegram-phone-number-checker

Check if phone numbers are connected to Telegram accounts.
MIT License
1.02k stars 172 forks source link


Open devheniik opened 1 year ago

devheniik commented 1 year ago


Your project is awesome)

Can you create a branch where this app will be format to small server with one route, where I can check number If you want try to compare with Docker

I can host this project on my server for all peoples)

GGontijo commented 1 month ago

I’m willing to work on this. @devheniik, do you still want to host this on your server?

How about creating a different branch oriented towards a FastAPI setup, running through Uvicorn, with data validation by Pydantic?

I’m not sure if telethon has any limitations regarding simultaneous access, but if it does, we could refactor the access to TelegramClient to use a Singleton pattern with a thread lock or queue system. This way, we can ensure that only one request to TelegramClient is made at a time.