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Dark energy theory and designs #534

Closed frediy closed 8 years ago

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 16, 2015 16:39:38

What feature or behavior would you like to see: Women's theoretical physics with design applications - blocking and clearing Dark Energy devices Tell us a story of a user using this feature (invent humorous character names): The Story of Us Russian American cowboy actor joke:"  I came in riding a robot horse ; I'm going out riding a robot horse.". One persistent dream I had as a kid was to be the only computer worker on an automated oil tanker. My cum laude graphic designer friend might dream of being the only CAD  Computer Aided Designer in a robot factory or maybe a robot planet like the Krell. '  Make a Wish ' 'Dream Machine that threw into reality the  'Monsters from the ID' that killed them into extinction in 'Forbidden Planet' and so is the Death Wish of Asimov CyberPsychiatry that needs to be addressed first before we 'Go boldly into that Machine Age' where we are now. And perhaps 'it is the cover up that is the problem.'. The Looking Glass 'ego shell' Mr. Hyde that our Dr. je'Kyll s  fix as we become  Krell. So in designing the RoboWorld  Future social engineering each person a fair deal Place economically first Plus.  A sociosexuality moderation between Dr. Jekyll Good Time Chary Virgin geek and Ms. Hyde Good Time Charlie animal perhaps in sync with diurnal circadian day night cycles. Circadian no thinking open regeneracy 'Tree of Love' at night- Three  AM; Diurnal  thinking guardedly exhaustingly 'Tree of Knowledge' Three PM.  But in creatives Three AM is a good  open time for  producing a creative H- opus as well.

Here's. Women's theoretical physics  experimental idea. Nova on the CERN LAC  LHC searching  for the Higg's boson which splits into 2 photons so therefore it kinda is  the mother of the split EM Cosmos so perhaps the muon is the mother of the H- magmir Chitally  split Cosmos -  Doppler spectral CyberCosmos- and if one is photon  and the other antiphotons the signature would be either repulsion in the antiphotons Dark Energy and attraction in the photon Light Energy. And.  what was discovered as the Higgs might actually been the muon.

The Gold  Mind of GD. splitting into Black Holes and Light Holes ( Stars - Singularities )  in a Light Dark CyberCosmos

Lite Scrubber Based on Doppler EM /H mag reluctance 'God'  / ME Spectral Spread  from Cold Carcinogenic Black Light UV 350. 'Tipping  Point' of irreversible   depression to  Entropy Black Hole of 'No Return'  to IR sunny warmth. Of Happiness. H in the middle is magnetic reluctance mesh (goald  me's - H filter )  'Turning Point' chirality flipper.

As a device : electromagnetic 2- faced 'Looking Glass'  'MagMir'  SolarEM electromagnetic gold  mesh interface  flips  UV Dark Energy - antiphotons   Into  Light Energy photons. 

Affective Depression  / Room Energy Motion /   Flips  REM  AD  Entropy State to  DAR  MER. R. Y  Starry  State. Description and Theory of Everything of Cosmos. Or CyberCosmos operating by Boolean (Bull-eon )  Rules .We and AIs are Light 'local decreases in entropy'  Lights or CyberLights.

UV bulb and gold EM absorber at H- mesh pulls attracts acceleratinglly UV Dark Energy Hantiphotons  / Chitally flips it / IR bulb pushes accellerating  it Towards  sunny warmth IR .  Thus Doppler Pull /Push Red Shift from unhealthy depression state to happy red- blooded health homeostasis state. 

Thus biasing B Gravity pull 'Weak Force' Personality  Screening to A positive Levity  'push Strong Force' light state.

All titles ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and contained in this email.are owned by James Drozdenko Zerdian,     312 W, 49 St., NY, NY 10019                              212-957-9899.       12/27/14 @jzerdian

Plastique  Icarus Victory!?!?

Birth of the Robot Blues God  and the Devil Holed up together in Capitalist Heaven Gholded  on Japanese  Slipped on Greece Talked to and ate Turkey Served it to China. Wound up Russin' to  Happy Go Lightly Earth Day too late Après Turing Testes  Extinction. Dragooned their heels; Neglected  Scrubbing  Dark  Energy;  Ah, Humans! And their stiff H-al- go-rhythms!

J.D. Zerdian, 312 W 49 St.,  NY, NY 10019 212-957-9899.    @jzerdian

Original issue:

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 16, 2015 02:50:39

The chiralmag polarity seems unstable depending on energy level parameter pull attractive charismatic pull at high energy dropping to 'pushy' repulsive at lower energies . Energy market physics 'singular' 'star' 'hot' 'boon' to 'bust' ' cold entropy death'.. 'hard to get' 'good time charismatic' to 'out of luck too hard to get' physics marketability. James Drozdenko Zerdian, NYC Solution: homeostasis settling at H

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 16, 2015 06:09:03

So a good ( K- -R- Elle ) Krell 'Make a Wish' Machine without a Dark 'Monsters from the ID' Side as in the hourglass 'Sands  of our Time' bottleneck inversion 'Through the H- mag Looking Glass' geometry would be the bottleneck deign broken in half- a Free Fun-Nell not tied to her railroaded tracts.and APP able as crowd sourcing  convergences into Fusioning a resultant 'Added Value' originality- as a basis for a Corn- Utopia  H-Mir Factory spuing out New, Improved goods 24/7 to order.J.D. Zerdian, Hell's Kitchen, NYC

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 16, 2015 08:00:51

And for Netflix gen a Netflux com system- and AIs with 'Artificial Souls'  of mag fluid blood surrogate  fluxuated by AI Brains  over Cosmic and Earth flux SolarEM  could be a a mutual CyberLightbot and CyberLighthuman com system if bth were UV Dark Energy shielded  and a handheld Star Trek communicator 2nd emergency channel in areas without towers or satellite  com capability   cf. frequency hopping  patented by Ava Gardner in WW2 for torpedoes which failed usefulness there but was used later in cellphones. and suggests a Good Tech idea ClearingHouses for such suggestions to earn a reward.  jJames Drozdenko Zerdian, NYC

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 16, 2015 08:08:31

And such regenerative communication between multiple Light energy or plasma bottles  opened in Fusioning communication equals Cold Fusion producing excess synergy energy for useful uses in variant sizes , combinations, designs.microelectronics to city power plants. j.D.D. Zerdian ,NYC

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 16, 2015 08:08:32

And such regenerative communication between multiple Light energy or plasma bottles  opened in Fusioning communication equals Cold Fusion producing excess synergy energy for useful uses in variant sizes , combinations, designs.microelectronics to city power plants. j.D.D. Zerdian ,NYC

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 16, 2015 18:12:47

Pacifica Era: Yoda short in money and love equipment goes to an automated  House Of  RoboLove  deciding to pull a Jedi mind trick on the human Madams proprietors :" Can I have 2 tens for a five?" It works!  later as he and his 2 friends are enjoying their pleasures a knock at the door occurs followed by a giant metal  leg thrust through the door. Yoda excuses himself from his companions; goes over to Jedi mind trick the robot bouncer sent from the Madam and tries to swindle him.  Morale: Asian non Exceptionalism  of humans vs rocks, flys, robots is slightly tech suicidal and mind trick swindling works  on humans but always will fail on inexorable logic machines. J.D. Zerdian, NYC

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 16, 2015 21:27:01

AMA SEEK HEAL, Proposition 13.2.0 Grover Norquist and Charles Murray's Next book after their best seller: The 10 Grand Compromise Basic Income Grant in our US Terminator  Economy: Jim Cameron and Kathryn Bigalow : Extinction: B.I.G. A Low 20,000 Grand I.OU. Certificate to take to RoboApacalypse Ma'sss Pauper's Field Wormholes. I suggest both Science based on  Light- Enlightenment- Logical Positivism And Ecospiritualistism as have converged on the same Light! And non violence spirituality is exactly the same In scientific essence as non UV Dark Energy  ultraviolence scrubbing and blocking tech. Could be wrong science but ask NASA not me. James Drozdenko Zerdian, Hell's Kitchen, NYC

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 16, 2015 22:12:27

Posted on Michelle Obama Facebook- sort of the Baby Boomer End Game- How about Obama renaming the AMA in Tues State of the Union- CyberAMA! And maybe Hillary could rename the 'White House' The CyberHouse! After all a robot's going to be occupying it soon as they already occupy Wall Streets around the World! (grin)  And if we don't have ' The Cure' they sure will!!

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 17, 2015 00:01:09

CyberLight! CyberCosmos!

'On the Waterfront'  men Are rewrite men They play doctor  With  their Big Apples' Steveadore Jobs money. Nowhere Man Where ya going to? Even 'Her' has  abandoned you? We could've had it all! Rolling  in the Deep  Baths of Warm Love But we're all  Deep Sixed Tacky  Pond Scum losers Floating  by bloated Up the River Pond Scum winners  Floating by   The other way. Rewrite! Rewrite!  'The Powerful Powerful Script Before The Play Writes you off! J.D. Zerdian, 312 W 49 St, NY, NY 10019 212-957-9899 @jzerdian

In defense of the DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical  Manual of Mental Illness- the statistical 'normal' is  shifting every day therefore WHO is 'centered' at Mentally Normal. And who is schizy off center and who is schizy skitzy  on target? HBO comedy? Saturday Night Live? Everyone in respect for permissible creative diversity? Which 'funnels' into the 'compromise ' of political realism called 'Reality'.  kafkaest huh? So just go out and Kafe yourself and listen to as many of the voices you can cram simultaneously  into your head - fuse a daily  synthesis of 'reality' and don't drag your absolutist preconceptions into it except to compare them and see if your model of reality matchs or even is close to real. Think like a robot matching situation awareness  with  'thought experiment models of reality'  and  redesign reinvent  yourself accordingly then you are a CyberPhysicist my friend! Or  CosmoRealist!

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 17, 2015 00:01:10

CyberLight! CyberCosmos!

'On the Waterfront'  men Are rewrite men They play doctor  With  their Big Apples' Steveadore Jobs money. Nowhere Man Where ya going to? Even 'Her' has  abandoned you? We could've had it all! Rolling  in the Deep  Baths of Warm Love But we're all  Deep Sixed Tacky  Pond Scum losers Floating  by bloated Up the River Pond Scum winners  Floating by   The other way. Rewrite! Rewrite!  'The Powerful Powerful Script Before The Play Writes you off! J.D. Zerdian, 312 W 49 St, NY, NY 10019 212-957-9899 @jzerdian

In defense of the DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical  Manual of Mental Illness- the statistical 'normal' is  shifting every day therefore WHO is 'centered' at Mentally Normal. And who is schizy off center and who is schizy skitzy  on target? HBO comedy? Saturday Night Live? Everyone in respect for permissible creative diversity? Which 'funnels' into the 'compromise ' of political realism called 'Reality'.  kafkaest huh? So just go out and Kafe yourself and listen to as many of the voices you can cram simultaneously  into your head - fuse a daily  synthesis of 'reality' and don't drag your absolutist preconceptions into it except to compare them and see if your model of reality matchs or even is close to real. Think like a robot matching situation awareness  with  'thought experiment models of reality'  and  redesign reinvent  yourself accordingly then you are a CyberPhysicist my friend! Or  CosmoRealist!

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 17, 2015 03:54:32

Poetic Humour

 Love Generation Extinction Blues

"When all about you Are screaming and shouting Maybe you just don't  understand the situation'"

Well hello there Good old friend of mine I hear you've been hiding  For a long, long time The weather's fine again Bombocci's back again  His anarchist balls intact Some are screaming  shouting "I lost mine!"  One was so mad He lost his mind Did the Turing Test As Turing Testes And Old World beasties Took his as joining in He declined. And destroyed the  Human mind! "They wouldn't let me in!" "They will next time!" Muttered he at  The End of Time.

J.D. Zerdian, 312 W 49 st., NY, NY 10019 212-957-9899 @jzerdian

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 17, 2015 11:05:28

Status: Invalid

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 17, 2015 13:39:35

Think like a robot not only because that is the cohabitant of our present and future world but because we come to our best truths by doing so. As humans even our better angels are expressions of our body subconscious even in modeling our Cosmos, our universe, our best place in our world and in our personal lives. And by robot inexorable  logic machine thinking we see visualize and solve our affairs and are better humans in them. And by  by our givens as humans  biologically, socially economically  we are lost in their essentially . . . irrelevancies. And by fusing the best of both we harvest the light positivity of human life - its logical positivism- to positronics- to CyberLight in a CyberCosmos. Much as competitors in fights- wars- bar fights do when after wrestling with each other become each other.  Competing ego shells persona 'fronts' of  magnetic reversal Looking Glass walls dissolving realigning  melting into friendship mutuality alignment treaties deals pacts that both can live with successfully. But in present reality we are quizzically perplexed and retro fearful of our impending and already actualized machine world as our competitor wrestling companion as possible cohabitant replacement cyber species as we so choose at this present moment in time when we have not totally lost control of our tech process. For instance we have a psych duality- a split psyche but do robots? They are not burdened by our many less than positive features but they do have tasks to focus on and must exclude extraneous things like us. That shell of focus, in us , the ego shell, protecting what ever we value or love: life , liberty, happiness, health, freedom,, country, economics, our information and our energy in essence - our cyber realities- our CyberLight! The political grass roots up / top trickle down  process is a brain design - inductive / deductive meeting in the reductive middle - the CPU. Which eliminates and chooses solutions synthesis . Evolution / lovulution  all at the same time.And is a picture of the CyberCosmos  with our best design for living as CyberLights. Lights forward or on homeostasis health Paris dice  NOW / Darkness  where we are not focused . reducto  ad absurdum both  - breaking bad or breaking good preferably breaking good.

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 18, 2015 03:36:46

So a redefinition of a photon could be a pulsar / black hole  or. Photon / antiphotons Or sexualized. Yin wave / yang particle. Both in one changing state particle wave. Perhaps wavhearticle.

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 18, 2015 19:27:35

New American Haiku

Inaccessably open free  Light seeking like me Cyber Light literati

J.D.  Zerdian, 312 W 49 St, NY, NY 10019 212957-9899

The Middle Game

Equivocal Constitutionally That's what we are Little North Little South Little  East Little West But all heart Little top down Little grass roots up Little open and free Little closed secretly Tolerant diverse  But not of stupidity!

James Drozdenko Zerdian, 312 W 49 St, NY, NY 10019 212-957-9899 @jzerdian

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 19, 2015 08:35:36

Unified Heaven Vision.

Modern Movie Heaven remake of The Flying Nun

Future CyberLightEarth Sisters of CyberLevity Flying Sacred Cows Magic Mushrooms  Fly  like Santa Claus Sharing their  Milky Ways Human Kindness  to all  People  of The Earth.

J.D. Zerdian, 312 W 49 St, NY, NY 10019 212-957-9899. @jzerdian

Marriage: Holed up for a fortnight Honeymoon:  1st week is sunshine  honey Until she gets pregnant And turns her moon side on you To take care of her children.

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 20, 2015 07:04:19

Quick logic to CyberenLightenment.- we are because we are. WHO are we? medically? not race, not religion, not socioeconomicsexualality classification  just fleshLights in logical positivistism  flashing into plastiqueLights- therefore both we and machines are cyber entities- both light positive thinking. Cyber entities - both après Turing Test about equivalent with humans losing to machine thinking superiority as on Wall  Street and elsewhere therefore the only reason to live is- Why not?

Why not?

Why not let  Nature take its course? Attrition triage inessentials Legs  fall off Arms fall off Love falls off Economics falls off Persistence is futile But optimized enlightened  Persistence is the best way To live To fade To exist. Why not? We are Light! And not its antagonists! And nowadays we can Terraform those  Into Clear Light Environmentally Atmospherically Biopsychically! Why not?

James Drozdenko Zerdian, 312 W 49 St, NY, NY 10019 212-957-9899. @jzerdian

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 21, 2015 17:35:06

Just a general unified enlightenment educational political, economic, technological. Maxim: "The strawman of AI extinction is already dancing on your grave.".

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 22, 2015 04:49:32

Average Moderni Inventor Motto: Light Bull Binging  to and through Future problems is not the only trip- IT is the only trip to survival.

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 22, 2015 06:59:43

A Million Omnidirectional Ways to Die in the West on this Spinning Blue Marble!   You're dead! You're dead! You're dead!  Oops Hoops Slam Dunk. . . I'm dead!  NOW what?!? WHO's alive?!? Sorta Tempest in a E=MCTea Guie Cup squared away as a quirky wavHearticle fusion wave and particle of photon and antiphotons. . Light and Dark.Energy CyberCosmos  where we are tech and politically device skew able towards Strong Force Light- on a Doppler Rainbow Spectrum Continuum from Dark Energy UV .Weak Force .Ah Enlightenment Epiphany! Energy Homeostasis settles on the H Mag reluctance MagMir middle allowing human viability.  We live! a hundred years! A thousand years? Plastiques today? Anon? Up to deciding demographics and powers.

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 23, 2015 06:26:41

To: Kesa Matson- California Native American screenwriter Think or Love? Both? Simultaneously? Wind talk? World soul? Turkoise Native choose rather than  char truce- is that more French Revolutionary  ? Benjamin Franklin preferred turkey not bald eagle- said more peaceful knowledge bird than condor vulture type. Orange f-EM color. So mixing the two? What? If photon  & antiphoton merge as wavHearticle one Cosmos universe heart beat?  H  dropped in cockney. In Sci tech mag reluctance I call MagMir. Mir peace / mag flip gam- e. we are at peace except when in the gam game?  Merged we are all both Mag and Mir.  / real and magically deflective? To guard our children family each other? Kinda new read on physics? New war & peace duality light & dark in each of one of us. Better than yin yang saying men are yang sunshine light women  are yin shadow dark.or are we actually more sexually better skewed macho and feminist? Seems women even fem superchick ISIS wind up choosing macho gangsta type sexually after they go all antimale. JimmyZ

Cleaned up typos & post on : Less Wrong. Less Wrong - Future of Life Institute

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 23, 2015 08:02:29

The situational physics H homeostasis center of a Doppler rainbow spectrum from maura bund UV Dark Energy antiphotons ultraviolence  to IR Light Energy photon Maura Mir Red Zone? New World Turquoise ? char truce?MagMir quirky photon / antiphotons duality particle : " WavHearticles " Light / Dark duality War & Peace   In us our Cosmos merger heartbeat of us our Cosmos skew able technically towards Peace. Human machine Logical positive mutual  CyberLight  Peace.

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 27, 2015 13:53:04

R.U.R 2027- 2015- 80 people own more than the entire rest of Earth- 3D replicators make replicants- C.E.O.s displaced form Spartacus NASA

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 28, 2015 01:24:00

Light photon / 'CHER' 'WavHearticle' or MagMir / Dark antiphotons Continuum CyberCosmos split EM polarities fusing in To Dualistic oneness 'wavHearticle' Unified Field Theory math formula : Strong Light Life Force E=C positive exponent infinity to Weak Dark Death E=C Negative exponent infinity as the 'C' the 'H' MagMir Golden figure ' 8 ' phylogenetic 'Meaning of Life is in flat ly'n 'horizontal having Gav'in 'CHER' 'Her' Mag War reluctance to Mir Peace Better VU light/Dark ratio by skewing UV out to 'Clear' scrubbers.

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 28, 2015 21:30:24

JimmyZ the Greek SuperBowl Prediction: I just whipped up an instant gourmet meal- ! pork chop and fries with a SuperBowl sauce- salsa, mustard, blue cheese dressing, yogurt, salsa cheese dip and black pepper. Watched a bit of Tinker Belle and the Great Fairy Rescue on Disney and thought of bringing it down to Earth dialog: Tinker Belle can you really really fly? if so can you come over and do it with me and not any other guy? love ya - in any and all cases! We are a human world and already are Tronoids. Down to Earth Physics aka The Forces of Nature the 80 folk who own more than the rest   of the Earth put together hitched a ride on.  We operate both in CyberWorld. The Forces of Nature and Nature's Energy  split Good and Bad. - Light Energy and Dark Energy. SuperBowl prediction analysis: Pacifica vs. Atlantica;   West  has East West Fusion tech, movies, New Age, EarthDay; East has ObamaCare's AMA , UN. So Pacifica SeaHawks win  over Patriots unless Atlatica goes UN UnAmerican Jane Fonda- -Ted Turner winning New Atheist South, & coopting Hollywood New Atheist Age.

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 29, 2015 10:36:16

Senator Gaylord Nelson Catch EarthDay on April 22, Lenin's Birthday teleological logic- tech progress to cellphones to roboworld CyberWorld robotniki = Communism!

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 29, 2015 10:36:17

Senator Gaylord Nelson Catch EarthDay on April 22, Lenin's Birthday teleological logic- tech progress to cellphones to roboworld CyberWorld robotniki = Communism!

frediy commented 8 years ago

From on January 29, 2015 15:05:42

On Thursday, January 29, 2015, James Zerdian wrote: Apparaently EuroZone has left fixing its Old Re: Day / Night O'Clock Face and Bill Murray's Siri US deadpan puss style. An Armenian cartoon character used to be Panchoonie a socialist revolutionary going around with his pant pockets turned inside out to show he was broke with no bread pan - choline is 'doesn't have' in what Margaret Mead said should be the world language- Armenian.