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Earliest Unread Sequence Sidebar #561

Open vaniver opened 8 years ago

vaniver commented 8 years ago

As suggested by Nate Soares, there should be a convenient and obvious way to read the Sequences on LW. Right now the three main approaches are:

  1. Download RAZ. (Not actually on LW.)
  2. Go to the wiki and go down the list.
  3. Click article navigation, and then 'next' by author.

Let's add another way. My initial plan for how to do this is as follows:

We have the time when someone visited a post, and we have (on the wiki) a list of the posts in the Sequences. Let's find the earliest post in the Sequences that a user hasn't visited yet, and display a link to it as a sidebar. (Ideally, this does something less resource intensive than checking every post every time.)

malob commented 8 years ago

Cool! When you say:

Let's find the earliest post in the Sequences that a user hasn't visited yet, and display a link to it as a sidebar.

What order for the Sequences are you thinking? From my conversations with Nate, I think he was thinking chronological order, i.e., in the order that Eliezer made the posts.

vaniver commented 8 years ago

@malob Chronological order sounds best to me.