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»New editors cannot create pages« shown last #567

Open rmoehn opened 8 years ago

rmoehn commented 8 years ago

I just registered with LessWrong and tried to create a Talk page. I arrived at the page editor and spent at least one hour researching and writing my comment. I could get previews of my edits. I could click Save and enter the captcha. Then, as the very last step it tells me:

This action has been automatically identified as harmful, and therefore disallowed. If you believe your action was constructive, please inform an administrator of what you were trying to do. A brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: New editors cannot create pages

Before that I had been pretty sure that I can create pages even though I'm a new member, because something like this happened when I pressed Create Talk Page first: »You cannot create a Talk page, because you haven't verified your email adress.« Then I verified and arrived at the editor and everything worked until, as I already wrote, the very last step. This is annoying.

Also, I think my comment is good enough to be published:

== Quality Concerns ==

* There is no reference for [[Orthogonality thesis#Defense_of_the_thesis|Stuart Armstrong's requirements]]. I guess they come from [ here].

* I know roughly what the orthogonality thesis is. Just from reading the wiki page, it doesn't make sense to me. – »Well, we don't share the opinion of some people that the goals of increasingly intelligent agents converge. So we put up a thesis which claims that intelligence and goals vary freely. Suppose there's one goal system that fulfils Armstrong's requirements. This would refute the orthogonality thesis, even if most intelligences converged on one or two other goal systems.« I don't mean to say that the orthogonality thesis itself doesn't make sense. I mean that the wiki page doesn't provide enough information to enable people to understand that it makes sense. 

Instead of repairing the above shortcomings, I propose referring people to the corresponding [ Arbital page]. --~~~~
rmoehn commented 8 years ago

Okay, now I was able to create the page. Perhaps after logging out and logging in again. I won't close this issue yet, though, because it might point you to something you want to fix.