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Low priority: Comment rss breaks when trying to render an "nbsp" character as present in polls. #580

Open e1red opened 7 years ago

e1red commented 7 years ago

This issue is currently visible but will disappear when the comment falls below the first page of the feed.

This page contains the following errors:

error on line 1462 at column 71: Entity 'nbsp' not defined
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

The last of the rendering is: 2016-08-28T17:02:17.609197+00:00

Belated thanks to you and MrMind, these answers were very helpful.

Gunnar_Zarncke on The call of the void 2016-08-28T16:30:39.821812+00:00 Poll! Poll! How often did you have any of the experiences in the first paragraph. E.g. When you are holding a kitchen knife thinking, "I wonder if this is sharp enough to cut myself with". Never 3 (13%)

And the comment in r/discussion/comments/

In response to The call of the void
Gunnar_Zarncke (551) 28 August 2016 04:30:39PM 0 points [-]
Poll! Poll!

How often did you have any of the experiences in the first paragraph. E.g.

When you are holding a kitchen knife thinking, "I wonder if this is sharp enough to cut myself with".

Never   3   (13%)   

Once    0   (0%)    

< 10 times in my life   3   (13%)   

< 1/year    10  (42%)   

<1/month    4   (17%)   

<1/week 3   (13%)   

<1/day  1   (4%)    

multiple times a day    0   (0%)    

Uncertain   0   (0%)    

See results 0   (0%)    

Total   24  (100%)   
Raw poll data
Vote upVote down Reply Permalink

This is not a high priority, but is a bug.