bellroy / lesswrong

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Post editing issues #585

Closed vaniver closed 7 years ago

vaniver commented 7 years ago

It looks like gives a 404 when editing a post that's supposed to go to Main (with admin on). It's likely this is related to PR 575.

jglamine commented 7 years ago

I'll take a look at this now.

jglamine commented 7 years ago

I'm able to reproduce this locally.

Editing of articles is broken, both on main and discussion. Submission to main works fine.

jglamine commented 7 years ago

Found it.

The bug was caused by a JavaScript error. When the page loads, it tries to add some help text to the "url" filed. But on the edit page there is no "url" field. So it throws an exception and never binds the onSubmit handler for the form.

That's why it's posting to /submit instead of making an xhr request to /api/submit.

vipulnaik commented 7 years ago

I see you have a commit fixing the issue; but I still can't edit old posts. Is the commit just awaiting deployment, or is there more debugging you need to do?

jglamine commented 7 years ago

Still waiting on deployment. I'd recommend watching PR #586 if you want to be notified when it's deployed.

wezm commented 7 years ago

Fix deployed. Sorry about the delay we had a public holiday then I was off sick.