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Promoted posts in Discussion don't get into the overall LW RSS feed #593

Open vaniver opened 7 years ago

vaniver commented 7 years ago

There are two acceptable ways to go about this, and it may require an investigation / rewrite of how the promotion mechanics work.


  1. Promoted posts in Main also show up in the list of posts in Discussion
  2. Promoted posts in Discussion also show up in this RSS feed

My guess is option 2 is easier.

brendanlong commented 7 years ago

This is going to be tricky to do with Reddit's codebase. The way they do things is that every page is associated with some data, and if you add .rss to it, it gets rendered as XML (this trick also works with .json). So, anything that makes discussion posts show up in the main RSS feed will also make those posts show up on the main page.

You might be able be able to make this work by making the front page use a different controller than the promoted page in main.

For future reference, the code that looks up the list of links is in models/, various get_links() functions. The controller for the front page is currently BlessedController in controllers/, and I haven't traced the codebase far enough to know what's calling BlessedController (besides ListingController, obviously).