beltex / SMCKit

Apple SMC library & tool
MIT License
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i'm getting "error 65" #30

Closed kolya009 closed 6 years ago

kolya009 commented 7 years ago

when I do "make install", it'll go through everything and then say it failed due to;

> The following build commands failed:
>   CompileSwift normal x86_64
>   CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64
> (2 failures)
> make: *** [build] Error 65
JMY1000 commented 7 years ago

All the build failures:

SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/Option.swift:254:44: warning: 'where' clause next to generic parameters is deprecated and will be removed in the future version of Swift
public class EnumOption<T:RawRepresentable where T.RawValue == String>: Option {
                                                                               where T.RawValue == String
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:409:58: error: 'inout' before a parameter name is not allowed, place it before the parameter type instead
  public func printUsage<TargetStream: OutputStreamType>(inout to: TargetStream) {
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:429:76: error: 'inout' before a parameter name is not allowed, place it before the parameter type instead
  public func printUsage<TargetStream: OutputStreamType>(error: ErrorType, inout to: TargetStream) {
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:59:28: error: 'BoolOption' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
let CLIColorOption       = BoolOption(shortFlag: "c", longFlag: "color",
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:61:28: error: 'BoolOption' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
let CLIDisplayKeysOption = BoolOption(shortFlag: "d", longFlag: "display-keys",
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:63:28: error: 'BoolOption' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
let CLIFanOption         = BoolOption(shortFlag: "f", longFlag: "fan",
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:65:28: error: 'BoolOption' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
let CLIHelpOption        = BoolOption(shortFlag: "h", longFlag: "help",
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:67:28: error: 'StringOption' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
let CLICheckKeyOption    = StringOption(shortFlag: "k", longFlag: "check-key",
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:69:28: error: 'BoolOption' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
let CLIMiscOption        = BoolOption(shortFlag: "m", longFlag: "misc",
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:71:28: error: 'IntOption' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
let CLIFanIdOption       = IntOption(shortFlag: "n", longFlag: "fan-id",
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:73:28: error: 'BoolOption' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
let CLIPowerOption       = BoolOption(shortFlag: "p", longFlag: "power",
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:75:28: error: 'IntOption' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
let CLIFanSpeedOption    = IntOption(shortFlag: "s", longFlag: "fan-speed",
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:77:28: error: 'BoolOption' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
let CLITemperatureOption = BoolOption(shortFlag: "t", longFlag: "temperature",
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:79:35: error: 'BoolOption' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
let CLIUnknownTemperatureOption = BoolOption(shortFlag: "u",
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:82:28: error: 'BoolOption' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
let CLIVersionOption     = BoolOption(shortFlag: "v", longFlag: "version",
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:84:28: error: 'BoolOption' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
let CLIWarnOption        = BoolOption(shortFlag: "w", longFlag: "warn",
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:409:40: error: 'OutputStreamType' has been renamed to 'TextOutputStream'
  public func printUsage<TargetStream: OutputStreamType>(inout to: TargetStream) {
Swift.OutputStreamType:2:18: note: 'OutputStreamType' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public typealias OutputStreamType = TextOutputStream
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:429:40: error: 'OutputStreamType' has been renamed to 'TextOutputStream'
  public func printUsage<TargetStream: OutputStreamType>(error: ErrorType, inout to: TargetStream) {
Swift.OutputStreamType:2:18: note: 'OutputStreamType' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public typealias OutputStreamType = TextOutputStream
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:429:65: error: 'ErrorType' has been renamed to 'Error'
  public func printUsage<TargetStream: OutputStreamType>(error: ErrorType, inout to: TargetStream) {
Swift.ErrorType:2:18: note: 'ErrorType' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public typealias ErrorType = Error
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:441:33: error: 'ErrorType' has been renamed to 'Error'
  public func printUsage(error: ErrorType) {
Swift.ErrorType:2:18: note: 'ErrorType' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public typealias ErrorType = Error
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:153:63: error: 'sort' has been renamed to 'sorted(by:)'
            sensors = try SMCKit.allKnownTemperatureSensors().sort
Swift.Sequence:3:17: note: 'sort' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public func sort(_ isOrderedBefore: (Self.Iterator.Element, Self.Iterator.Element) -> Bool) -> [Self.Iterator.Element]
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:165:41: error: 'maxElement' has been renamed to 'max(by:)'
    let sensorWithLongestName = sensors.maxElement { $ <
Swift.Sequence:7:17: note: 'maxElement' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public func maxElement(_ isOrderedBefore: (Self.Iterator.Element, Self.Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self.Iterator.Element?
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:175:23: error: 'init(count:repeatedValue:)' is unavailable: Renamed to init(repeating:count:) and reordered parameters
        let padding = String(count: longestSensorNameCount -
Swift.String:3:12: note: 'init(count:repeatedValue:)' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public init(count: Int, repeatedValue c: Character)
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:188:35: error: missing argument label 'value:' in call
        let warning = warningLevel(temperature, maxValue: maxTemperatureCelsius)
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:220:35: error: missing argument label 'value:' in call
        let warning = warningLevel(Double(currentSpeed),
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:239:48: error: missing argument label 'value:' in call
    print("AC Present:       \(colorBoolOutput(information.isACPresent))")
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:240:48: error: missing argument label 'value:' in call
    print("Battery Powered:  \(colorBoolOutput(information.isBatteryPowered))")
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:241:48: error: missing argument label 'value:' in call
    print("Charging:         \(colorBoolOutput(information.isCharging))")
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:242:48: error: missing argument label 'value:' in call
    print("Battery Ok:       \(colorBoolOutput(information.isBatteryOk))")
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:252:13: error: type 'SMCKit' has no member 'Error'
    } catch SMCKit.Error.KeyNotFound { ODDStatus = false }
            ^~~~~~ ~~~~~
SMCKit/SMCKit/SMC.swift:285:17: note: did you mean 'SMCError'?
    public enum SMCError: Error {
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:258:48: error: missing argument label 'value:' in call
    print("Disc in ODD:      \(colorBoolOutput(ODDStatus))")
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:294:13: error: type 'SMCKit' has no member 'Error'
    } catch SMCKit.Error.KeyNotFound {
            ^~~~~~ ~~~~~
SMCKit/SMCKit/SMC.swift:285:17: note: did you mean 'SMCError'?
    public enum SMCError: Error {
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:296:13: error: type 'SMCKit' has no member 'Error'
    } catch SMCKit.Error.NotPrivileged {
            ^~~~~~ ~~~~~
SMCKit/SMCKit/SMC.swift:285:17: note: did you mean 'SMCError'?
    public enum SMCError: Error {
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:298:13: error: type 'SMCKit' has no member 'Error'
    } catch SMCKit.Error.UnsafeFanSpeed {
            ^~~~~~ ~~~~~
SMCKit/SMCKit/SMC.swift:285:17: note: did you mean 'SMCError'?
    public enum SMCError: Error {
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:343:69: error: missing argument label 'known:' in call
if CLIUnknownTemperatureOption.wasSet { printTemperatureInformation(false) }
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/main.swift:348:8: warning: result of call to 'close()' is unused
       ^    ~~
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/Option.swift:272:20: error: argument names for initializer 'init' do not match those of overridden initializer 'init(shortFlag:longFlag:required:helpMessage:)'
  private override init(_ shortFlag: String?, _ longFlag: String?, _ required: Bool, _ helpMessage: String) {
                   ^    ~~                    ~~                   ~~                ~~

SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/Option.swift:272:20: error: initializer does not override a designated initializer from its superclass
  private override init(_ shortFlag: String?, _ longFlag: String?, _ required: Bool, _ helpMessage: String) {
          ~~~~~~~~ ^
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/Option.swift:68:22: note: attempt to override convenience initializer here
  public convenience init(shortFlag: String, longFlag: String, required: Bool = false, helpMessage: String) {
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/Option.swift:277:22: error: 'init(shortFlag:longFlag:required:helpMessage:)' has already been overridden
  public convenience init(shortFlag: String, longFlag: String, required: Bool = false, helpMessage: String) {
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/Option.swift:272:20: note: 'init' previously overridden here
  private override init(_ shortFlag: String?, _ longFlag: String?, _ required: Bool, _ helpMessage: String) {
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/Option.swift:36:16: error: 'Some' has been renamed to 'some'
    case let (.Some(sf), .Some(lf)):
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/Option.swift:38:12: error: 'None' has been renamed to 'none'
    case (.None, let .Some(lf)):
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/Option.swift:40:16: error: 'Some' has been renamed to 'some'
    case (let .Some(sf), .None):
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/Option.swift:273:15: error: missing argument labels 'shortFlag:longFlag:required:helpMessage:' in call
    super.init(shortFlag, longFlag, required, helpMessage)
               shortFlag: longFlag: required: helpMessage: 
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:39:36: error: 'OutputStreamType' has been renamed to 'TextOutputStream'
private struct StderrOutputStream: OutputStreamType {
Swift.OutputStreamType:2:18: note: 'OutputStreamType' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public typealias OutputStreamType = TextOutputStream
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:158:27: error: 'ErrorType' has been renamed to 'Error'
  public enum ParseError: ErrorType, CustomStringConvertible {
Swift.ErrorType:2:18: note: 'ErrorType' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public typealias ErrorType = Error
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:158:15: error: type 'CommandLine.ParseError' does not conform to protocol 'RawRepresentable'
  public enum ParseError: ErrorType, CustomStringConvertible {
Swift.RawRepresentable:96:20: note: protocol requires nested type 'RawValue'; do you want to add it?
    associatedtype RawValue
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:132:87: error: 'sort()' has been renamed to 'sorted()'
      _maxFlagDescriptionWidth = { $0.flagDescription.characters.count }.sort().first ?? 0
Swift.Sequence:3:17: note: 'sort()' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public func sort() -> [Self.Iterator.Element]
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:173:23: error: 'joinWithSeparator' has been renamed to 'joined(separator:)'
        let vs = vals.joinWithSeparator(", ")
                      joined            separator: 
Swift.Sequence:3:17: note: 'joinWithSeparator' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public func joinWithSeparator(_ separator: String) -> String
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:189:37: error: use of unresolved identifier 'Process'
  public init(arguments: [String] = Process.arguments) {
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:205:30: error: 'stride(to:by:)' is unavailable: Use stride(from:to:by:) free function instead
    for i in (flagIndex + 1).stride(to: _arguments.count, by: 1) {
Swift.Strideable:3:17: note: 'stride(to:by:)' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public func stride(to end: Self, by stride: Self.Stride) -> StrideTo<Self>
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:246:17: error: missing argument label 'option:' in call
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:257:17: error: missing argument label 'option:' in call
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:268:16: error: missing argument label 'options:' in call
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:278:16: error: missing argument label 'options:' in call
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:298:34: error: 'enumerate()' has been renamed to 'enumerated()'
    for (idx, arg) in _arguments.enumerate() {
Swift.Sequence:3:17: note: 'enumerate()' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public func enumerate() -> EnumeratedSequence<Self>
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:309:44: error: 'advancedBy' is unavailable: To advance an index by n steps call 'index(_:offsetBy:)' on the CharacterView instance that produced the index.
      let flagWithArg = arg[arg.startIndex.advancedBy(skipChars)..<arg.endIndex]
Swift.String.CharacterView.Index:7:17: note: 'advancedBy' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public func advancedBy(_ n: String.CharacterView.IndexDistance) -> String.CharacterView.Index
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:317:51: error: missing argument label 'splitBy:' in call
      let splitFlag = flagWithArg.splitByCharacter(ArgumentAttacher, maxSplits: 1)
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:365:26: error: thrown expression type 'CommandLine.ParseError' does not conform to 'Error'
        throw ParseError.InvalidArgument(arg)
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:372:24: error: thrown expression type 'CommandLine.ParseError' does not conform to 'Error'
      throw ParseError.MissingRequiredOptions(missingOptions)
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:394:35: error: missing argument label 'width:' in call
      return "  \(s.paddedToWidth(maxFlagDescriptionWidth)):\n"
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:414:81: error: in argument type 'inout TargetStream', 'TargetStream' does not conform to expected type 'TextOutputStream'
    print(format("Usage: \(name) [options]", .About), terminator: "", toStream: &to)
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:417:81: error: in argument type 'inout TargetStream', 'TargetStream' does not conform to expected type 'TextOutputStream'
      print(format(opt.flagDescription, .OptionFlag), terminator: "", toStream: &to)
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/CommandLine.swift:418:77: error: in argument type 'inout TargetStream', 'TargetStream' does not conform to expected type 'TextOutputStream'
      print(format(opt.helpMessage, .OptionHelp), terminator: "", toStream: &to)
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/StringExtensions.swift:32:26: error: value of optional type 'UnsafeMutablePointer<lconv>?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?
      let decimalPoint = locale.memory.decimal_point
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/StringExtensions.swift:53:35: error: 'enumerate()' has been renamed to 'enumerated()'
    for (i, c) in self.characters.enumerate() {
Swift.Sequence:3:17: note: 'enumerate()' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public func enumerate() -> EnumeratedSequence<Self>
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/StringExtensions.swift:98:20: error: 'successor()' is unavailable: To get the next index call 'index(after:)' on the CharacterView instance that produced the index.
        curIdx = i.successor()
Swift.String.CharacterView.Index:3:17: note: 'successor()' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public func successor() -> String.CharacterView.Index
SMCKit/SMCKitTool/lib/CommandLine/CommandLine/StringExtensions.swift:147:39: error: missing argument label 'splitBy:' in call
    for word in self.splitByCharacter(splitBy) {
SMCKit/SMCKit/SMC.swift:381:13: warning: result of call to 'callDriver(_:selector:)' is unused
        try callDriver(&inputStruct)
            ^         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
SMCKit/SMCKit/SMC.swift:447:17: warning: result of call to 'keyInformation' is unused
            try keyInformation(code)
                ^             ~~~~~~


The following build commands failed:
    CompileSwift normal x86_64
    CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64
(2 failures)
make: *** [build] Error 65
perfaram commented 7 years ago

Yeah well SMCKit hasn't been updated in a while, and as the Swift syntax changes quite fast... This is what we get. I'll take a look in it tomorrow, ok ?

perfaram commented 7 years ago

Okay fixed it all, if somewhat late. See #31. It will compile, but if it doesn't work, see #29.

JMY1000 commented 7 years ago

@perfaram Awesome, thanks!

beltex commented 6 years ago

31 has been merged which fixes compilation for Xcode 8 thanks to @perfaram. With one additional change (, should compile now on Xcode 9 as well.