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Full stack quick start: no search input #32

Closed dypsilon closed 10 years ago

dypsilon commented 10 years ago


I'm trying to follow the full stack quick start article but after finishing the "Redefining BEMHTML" part there is no search input or logo in my HTML. This is what I have on this stage:


The result is completely unstyled and the page is not centered.

tadatuta commented 10 years ago

Please check that you open http://localhost:8080/desktop.bundles/index/index.html and not just http://localhost:8080/desktop.bundles/index.

If it is so, can you please put your code somewhere (on github for example)?

dypsilon commented 10 years ago

    <div class="b-page">
      <div class="head">
        <div class="layout">
          <div class="layout__left">
            <div class="b-search" action="/search.xml">
          <div class="layout__right">
            <div class="b-logo">
              <a class="b-link b-logo__link" href="">
                <img class="b-icon b-logo__icon" src="../../desktop.blocks/b-logo/b-logo.png" alt="">
                <span class="b-logo__slogan">
                  A new way of thinking

This is what I get on http://localhost:8080/desktop.bundles/index/index.html

Also I'm open http://squeeze-devbox:8080/desktop.bundles/index/index.html because this is the host of my dev vm, but I think it's irrelevant.

dypsilon commented 10 years ago

My /desktop.bundles/index/index.bemjson.js is a direct copy of

Same goes for /desktop.blocks/b-page/b-page.bemhtml

Everything else is just step by step copied from the guide. If you can't reproduce my problem and the guide is actually fine, just close the ticket. I will ditch the guide and practice on other projects. Especially considering that the guide is for bem-tools 5.5 and there is already 1.0.0 out there with significant changes.

tadatuta commented 10 years ago

quick start article was updated to fit current versions of libraries