bem-archive / bem-tools

Toolkit to work with files based on BEM methodology
MIT License
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bem ls command #294

Open arikon opened 11 years ago

arikon commented 11 years ago

bem ls command should list project or any other level structure.

It should have minimal and verbose output modes.

It should have ability to filter output using --block, --elem, --mod and --val options.

It should have ability to search on different levels (--level) and recursively.

varya commented 11 years ago

Does this issue has a like button?

qfox commented 11 years ago

;-)) I'm also vote for it

qfox commented 11 years ago

Btw, if we have that issue we need to close the issue #236

denisx commented 11 years ago


arikon commented 11 years ago

@zxqfox Oh, I've forgotten about it already. Thanks!

qfox commented 11 years ago

You've asked about wishes in club. All my wishes shortly desribed in that issue. If you need some more information about my own wishes — just ask ;-) Thanks!

banzalik commented 11 years ago

-isbem flag that bypasses all the files in a directory or a particular file is checked and says, this true BEM file or not

banzalik commented 11 years ago

Show elem and mods declaration names. bem --config ls myLevel Out:

Level: myLevel
    elems: __   |  my-block__elem
    mods: _ 
    modsVal: _ |  my-block_modname_modval
qfox commented 10 years ago

this true BEM file or not

@banzalik I think you talking more about lint functionality than ls