yo bem-stub
[?] How to name the project? hello-bem-new
[?] Who will mantain this project? aristov
[?] What email to use? vv.aristov@gmail.com
[?] What collector to use? enb
[?] What base library to use? bem-core
[?] Would you like any additional libraries? bem-components
[?] What platforms to use? desktop
[?] Use design from bem-components? Yes
[?] What technologies to use? bemjson.js, browser.js
[?] What template system to use? bemhtml
[?] Build static html? Yes
[?] What files to minimize?
enb server
Открываю получаю js-ошибку: ReferenceError: modules is not defined
Решение: нужно использовать технологию prepend-modules из пакета enb-modules при сборке клиентского JS.