Closed ghost closed 9 years ago
What version do you use?
Try the latest .
According to the main idea, the folder desktop.bundles
should be created with the simple bundle in it.
I use MAC OS, and this folder was created.
I am using generator-bem-stub@0.2.0. Is this a latest one?
Interesting thing...
It seems, that there are problems with linux.
I have the same problem on OS X 10.9.5 There're empty blocks' folders and no bundles
I've noticed that after installation there's no bundles folder inside the templates one.
That's what I have:
--- .bem
--- .bowerrc
--- .enb
--- .npmignore
--- blocks
--- bower.json
--- package.json
Considering this, I think obviously that's the reason of missing desktop.bundles
after yo finishes his work
I've found a bug, because of your comment! Thank you very much, this problem will be fixed ASAP!
Similar problem in #98
Thanks! :+1:
Starting from the version v0.2.2
, it is the last version now, I've fixed the problem.
Try it and write me back.
@vitkarpov , and a few words about empty blocks' folders. All blocks' folders should be empty after generation if you use enb
, if you use bem-tools
there should be a folder .bem
with file levels.js
Yep. seems I've got it. Tried 0.2.2 — works fine!
May be it is not a bug, but it is a really confusing. There is no desktop.bundles directory and all their childs such as .bem, levels.js after creating a stub project. I have doublecheck a video where You presenting a bem-generator-stub at, and there i see mentioned artifacts.
alexey@linux-1oyh:~/git/test> yo bem-stub ? Enter your project name: project-stub ? Enter a name of the project owner: Ivan Ivanov ? Enter an email of the project owner: ? Choose a toolkit to build the project: bem-tools ? Choose a base library: bem-core ? Specify additional libraries if needed: bem-components ? Do you want to use design of 'bem-components' library? Yes ? Choose target platforms: desktop ? Choose technologies to be used in the project: BEMJSON, node.js ? Choose a template engine: BEMHTML ? Do you want to build static HTML? Yes create project-stub/.bem/level.js create project-stub/.bem/levels/blocks.js create project-stub/.bem/levels/bundles.js create project-stub/.bem/make.js create project-stub/.bem/techs/bemjson.js.js create project-stub/.bowerrc create project-stub/.npmignore create project-stub/ create project-stub/common.blocks/.bem/level.js create project-stub/desktop.blocks/.bem/level.js create project-stub/bower.json create project-stub/package.json
I'm all done. Running npm install for you to install the required dependencies. If this fails, try running the command yourself.
nodejs -v: v0.10.31 os: linux opensuse 13.2 x86_64