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BEM + Polymer = ? #17

Open ilyaigpetrov opened 8 years ago

ilyaigpetrov commented 8 years ago

Can I mix Polymer and BEM (techs, tools, everything behind the methodology)? Does it worth it?

Ok, I've made a feature comparison table.
I need it to figure out if one technology can supplement another, not to downplay one of them.

Feature BEM Polymer
Syntax conventions (for B, E, M) yes no, use BEM
Decomposition into components ENB assembler (*) HTML Imports / webcomponents.js
# of requests reduction ENB assembler (*) vulcanize
CSS encapsulation upper boundary (*) upper boundary, lower for Native Shadow DOM (unstable)
Component redefinition yes, orginized in levels, ENB? (*) limited: extend native tags, inherit javascript definitions (behaviors), more is planned
File structure organization yes, B,E,M, techs no, use BEM
Techs support (templates, transpilers) yes server-side preprocessing (e.g. w/ gulp), client-side may be hindered

(*) = I guess so

tadatuta commented 8 years ago

@ilyaigpetrov It is possible theoretically but won't work out of the box. But your guessing about BEM is right — actually everything provided by Polymer is also available with BEM platform so there's not so much sense in such concatenation.