bemasher / rtlamr

An rtl-sdr receiver for Itron ERT compatible smart meters operating in the 900MHz ISM band.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Help finding my meter's data (Itron CL200) #159

Closed drio closed 3 years ago

drio commented 3 years ago

Thank you for releasing this project. Very useful.

I am trying to read my electric meter data. I actually have two meters, one from the solar panels and another one for for the electric grid (Meter's picture below).

I am pretty sure I got the IDs right (the id is in the monthly bill and also in the front of the meter) but I cannot see them from the rtlamr output. I have run the tool standing very close to the meter so I assume my meter's data has to be there.

I get reads from at least 30 meters but I cannot see mine (see below). My ids are suppose to be 002241867 and 002241868.

I have also tried to match the consumption but the values don't match either.

Can you help identify my meter's data?

Thank you!

cat output.txt
19:20:55.766789 decode.go:45: CenterFreq: 912600155
19:20:55.766941 decode.go:46: SampleRate: 2359296
19:20:55.766945 decode.go:47: DataRate: 32768
19:20:55.766948 decode.go:48: ChipLength: 72
19:20:55.766950 decode.go:49: PreambleSymbols: 21
19:20:55.766952 decode.go:50: PreambleLength: 3024
19:20:55.766954 decode.go:51: PacketSymbols: 96
19:20:55.766956 decode.go:52: PacketLength: 13824
19:20:55.766959 decode.go:59: Protocols: scm
19:20:55.766962 decode.go:60: Preambles: 111110010101001100000
19:20:55.766964 main.go:119: GainCount: 29
{Time:2020-11-25T19:20:57.457 SCM:{ID:52529038 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:00 Enc:02} Consumption: 5757523 CRC:0x65C5}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:21:00.457 SCM:{ID:20060436 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:02 Enc:01} Consumption: 3340846 CRC:0x5DF7}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:21:02.290 SCM:{ID:20063878 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:01 Enc:00} Consumption: 7536135 CRC:0xB67B}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:21:05.235 SCM:{ID:20147071 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:02 Enc:01} Consumption: 8245019 CRC:0x659F}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:21:07.289 SCM:{ID:52532073 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:00 Enc:02} Consumption: 6449121 CRC:0x6907}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:21:09.401 SCM:{ID:28214759 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:00 Enc:00} Consumption: 1640647 CRC:0xBDFA}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:21:24.457 SCM:{ID:32081720 Type:12 Tamper:{Phy:03 Enc:00} Consumption:  742416 CRC:0xE6C3}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:21:31.179 SCM:{ID:20147119 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:02 Enc:03} Consumption: 8233664 CRC:0xCE72}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:21:32.401 SCM:{ID:20060159 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:02 Enc:00} Consumption: 6669936 CRC:0x8A6F}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:21:41.290 SCM:{ID:48010159 Type:12 Tamper:{Phy:03 Enc:00} Consumption:     674 CRC:0x367E}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:21:42.679 SCM:{ID:14476547 Type:12 Tamper:{Phy:01 Enc:00} Consumption:       6 CRC:0xFBA2}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:21:44.124 SCM:{ID:20063880 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:02 Enc:00} Consumption: 3087746 CRC:0xEA5B}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:21:49.235 SCM:{ID:20060447 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:02 Enc:00} Consumption: 6589801 CRC:0x554D}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:21:55.957 SCM:{ID:32081720 Type:12 Tamper:{Phy:03 Enc:00} Consumption:  742416 CRC:0xE6C3}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:00.124 SCM:{ID:20060150 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:02 Enc:01} Consumption: 1344199 CRC:0xCE46}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:04.901 SCM:{ID: 5845055 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:02 Enc:01} Consumption: 7503594 CRC:0xA475}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:05.568 SCM:{ID:20063878 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:01 Enc:00} Consumption: 7536135 CRC:0xB67B}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:05.790 SCM:{ID:52532073 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:00 Enc:02} Consumption: 6449128 CRC:0xFFBF}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:10.623 SCM:{ID:28214759 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:00 Enc:00} Consumption: 1640647 CRC:0xBDFA}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:10.902 SCM:{ID:20063809 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:01 Enc:01} Consumption: 1181439 CRC:0xB219}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:11.179 SCM:{ID:29253430 Type: 8 Tamper:{Phy:01 Enc:00} Consumption:  701055 CRC:0xFDD4}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:11.291 SCM:{ID:29253431 Type: 8 Tamper:{Phy:00 Enc:00} Consumption:       0 CRC:0x5426}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:11.456 SCM:{ID:29253432 Type: 8 Tamper:{Phy:00 Enc:00} Consumption:       0 CRC:0xFDD1}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:11.568 SCM:{ID:29253430 Type: 8 Tamper:{Phy:01 Enc:00} Consumption:  701055 CRC:0xFDD4}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:11.680 SCM:{ID:29253431 Type: 8 Tamper:{Phy:00 Enc:00} Consumption:       0 CRC:0x5426}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:11.791 SCM:{ID:29253432 Type: 8 Tamper:{Phy:00 Enc:00} Consumption:       0 CRC:0xFDD1}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:28.457 SCM:{ID:32081720 Type:12 Tamper:{Phy:03 Enc:00} Consumption:  742416 CRC:0xE6C3}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:38.235 SCM:{ID:29816717 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:02 Enc:01} Consumption: 8266080 CRC:0x0741}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:40.068 SCM:{ID:20022043 Type: 7 Tamper:{Phy:02 Enc:02} Consumption: 4869361 CRC:0x39D9}}
{Time:2020-11-25T19:22:41.290 SCM:{ID:48010159 Type:12 Tamper:{Phy:03 Enc:00} Consumption:     674 CRC:0x367E}}
bemasher commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, based on the photo of your meter, it is not likely supported by rtlamr.