bemosior / PHPasswordPusher

PHPasswordPusher is a PHP port of the PasswordPusher project, which provides a more secure method for sharing sensitive information (like passwords) with others. It operates on the principal that using a soon-to-be-expiring link to retrieve sensitive information is better than having the sensitive information persist in email, chat, etc...
GNU General Public License v3.0
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MySQL Install Script Tidy #22

Closed bemosior closed 11 years ago

bemosior commented 11 years ago

The tidy event only nulls the data every 5 minutes if it's expired.

This needs to be changed to delete the data and perhaps run every 1 minute.

bemosior commented 11 years ago


CREATE EVENT phpasspush_tidy ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 MINUTE DO DELETE FROM ' . $dbname . '.phpasspush WHERE xtime<UTC_TIMESTAMP() OR views>=xviews;

set global event_scheduler = 1;