bemusic / bemuse

⬤▗▚▚▚ Web-based online rhythm action game. Based on HTML5 technologies, React, Redux and Pixi.js.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Implement HD-BGA support for BMS files #745

Closed dtinth closed 2 years ago

dtinth commented 2 years ago

Closes #744


HD-BGA support for BMS files. Bemuse now tries to load BGAs in BMS files when an .mp4 and .webm files are provided.


In prior versions, Bemuse did not support background animation (BGA) video for the BMS format, because most BMS archives at that time comes with low-resolution (256x256) video files. These files commonly use the MPG, AVI, or WMV format, which cannot be played on the web.

In 2016, the bmson project introduced recommendations for high-definition BGAs in bmson files. The specification recommended BGA files to be in MP4 or WebM format. These formats can be played on the web and it is supported natively in Bemuse. So since 2016, Bemuse supports BGA for bmson, but not BMS.

In 2018, beatoraja introduced support for high-definition BGAs in BMS files. BMS authors can put bga.mp4 and bga.mpg files side-by-side and bga.mp4 file will take precedence over bga.mpg even if bga.mpg is specified in the BMS file (for backwards-compatibility with LR2).

In 2021, it is now more common for BMS authors to distribute BMS archives with BGA files in both .mp4 and .mpg format. Therefore, Bemuse now follows this behavior by beatoraja.

sonarcloud[bot] commented 2 years ago

Kudos, SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!    Quality Gate passed

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