ben-domingue / irw

Code related to data for the Item Response Warehouse
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A Bayesian method for measuring risk propensity in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task #56

Open ben-domingue opened 3 months ago

ben-domingue commented 3 months ago paper.

rn2407stanford commented 1 month ago

Nested data here - it is in long form, but not sure how I am supposed to do such data. Basically, each participant is involved multiple trials of pumping balloon(on computer). "burst" column represents when the balloon is going to burst (after how many pumps), "y" represents how many time the participant pumps in each trial.

I think one thing I can do is add like occasion variable for participants (which can also be the id), but not sure how is the right way to do this data.

BARTGuanEtAl.csv BARTFourPeople.csv

ben-domingue commented 1 month ago

no worries, just leave it for the moment!