ben-domingue / irw

Code related to data for the Item Response Warehouse
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The good and the bad: Are some attribute words better than others in the Implicit Association Test? #61

Open ben-domingue opened 3 months ago

ben-domingue commented 3 months ago paper.

rn2407stanford commented 1 month ago

This is a little bit hard dataset for me. So, 1) Do we need to exclude demographic variables if they are in likert scale? (e.g., "To what extent do you identify as Arab-Muslim" and then later asks the actual item "On average, how much do you like Arab Muslims?"). 2) It has session ID (those are unique) and then it has participant ID (those are not unique as participants can participate multiple times). Do we need to keep both of them?

Study2_Codebook.csv Study2_Data.csv

ben-domingue commented 1 month ago

i'd be inclined to just take the first observation of each uniqueid. so just duplicate_id!=1 thoughts about that? we can then make the uniqueid the 'id'

rn2407stanford commented 1 month ago

Results IAT_study2.xlsx IAT_study3.xlsx

ben-domingue commented 1 month ago

we ended up with large volumes of NAs here:

         id         item resp
1  11492565 meatlikemeat   NA
2  11513951 meatlikemeat   NA
3  11548646 meatlikemeat   NA
4  11541671 meatlikemeat   NA
5  11507119 meatlikemeat   NA
6  11458988 meatlikemeat    5
7  11521640 meatlikemeat   NA
8  11570527 meatlikemeat   NA
9  11448415 meatlikemeat   NA
10 11501922 meatlikemeat   NA
11 11520335 meatlikemeat   NA

not a huge deal as i'll just cut them out but i wanted to check first. and what is the difference between study2 and study3?

rn2407stanford commented 1 month ago

Yes. If you look at this supplement material page 22 is for the study-2 and page 25 is for study-3. (In the article also it says study-2 compares only best and worst performing words, and study-3 tests variability and relevance of attribute words to the attribute categories)

OnlineSupplement (1).pdf

rn2407stanford commented 1 month ago

Files in csv with many NAs

IAT_study2.csv IAT_study3.csv