ben-domingue / irw

Code related to data for the Item Response Warehouse
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Co-occurring dominance and ideal point processes: A general IRTree framework for multidimensional item responding #89

Open ben-domingue opened 2 months ago

ben-domingue commented 2 months ago

There are two datasets included in this paper. They are both publicly available. Should be fairly easy, below are just my notes trying to identify the datasets.


"Additional materials are available on OSF:

The data sets used for reanalyses in the empirical applications are made available by the original authors: and" seems to be open but not totally clear.

We used an empirical data set collected by Henninger and Plieninger (2020) and Fladerer et al. (2021), consisting of item responses and corresponding RTs of participants to two questionnaires, the Identity Leadership Inventory ( ) and a scale of Social Identification ( )Footnote8.