ben-eb / perfectionist

Beautify CSS files.
MIT License
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Support SCSS map #23

Open yisibl opened 8 years ago

yisibl commented 8 years ago


$breakpoints:(small: 767px,medium: 992px,large: 1200px);

Expanded output:

$breakpoints: (
  small: 767px,
  medium: 992px,
  large: 1200px


$map: (
    key1: value1,
    key2: (
        key-1: value-1,
        key-2: value-2,
    key3: value3


@include map(
  $dribble: #ea4c89,
  $facebook: #3b5998,
  $github: #171515,
  $google: #db4437,
  $twitter: #55acee
RobbieTheWagner commented 7 years ago

Any progress on this? Would love SCSS map support, so they don't end up all on one line.

ben-eb commented 7 years ago

@rwwagner90 Would you like to send a pull request for this? I can provide support via if you have any questions. 😄

RobbieTheWagner commented 7 years ago

@ben-eb I don't have any idea where I would even start, unfortunately 😞 .

ben-eb commented 7 years ago

OK, no problem. My offer's still open. 😄