ben-eb / perfectionist

Beautify CSS files.
MIT License
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Remove option for hex capitalization #76

Open keithjgrant opened 7 years ago

keithjgrant commented 7 years ago

I think this config option is a good candidate for deletion. We should take a particular stance. Should hex values be uppercase or lowercase?

(I think public opinion on this leans mostly toward lowercase)

vansosnin commented 7 years ago

Why should we remove the alignability? Someone could have another code style in team, why they should change it or freeze library version because of public opinion?

ben-eb commented 7 years ago

@vansosnin We're thinking of changing perfectionist to be more of a "set and forget" tool, whereas should be used for a completely customisable option. That way we can provide the community with two distinct options, rather than trying to compete in our feature sets. 😄

jeddy3 commented 7 years ago

FYI, stylelint-config-standard enforces lower and short.

One thing to bare in mind is that, I believe, this involves transforming the values of a node within the AST. This is a line that prettier doesn't cross. perfectionist doesn't need to draw the same line, but I think it's worth thinking about where a line might be drawn.

jeddy3 commented 7 years ago

perfectionist doesn't need to draw the same line, but I think it's worth thinking about where a line might be drawn.

I've thought so more about this and I've written a proposal that suggest drawing the exact same line.

The proposal contains, what I hope to be, the ideal balance between being configurable and "set and forget".

lydell commented 7 years ago

this involves transforming the values of a node within the AST. This is a line that prettier doesn't cross.

Not really. Changing the casing (and length) of hex colors is something that Prettier definitely would do.