ben-grande / qusal

Salt Formulas for Qubes OS.
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qvm-wireguard qubename user input #2

Closed n1ete closed 5 months ago

n1ete commented 5 months ago

just a tiny change to make qvm-wireguard work with multiple wireguard qubes

ben-grande commented 5 months ago

Hello, thanks for the contribution.

However, it already works with multiple qubes. The expansion ${1:-"default_value"} is a shell expansion, if $1 is not set or empty, use default_value instead, else use $1. I should have done a usage message to explain that the default qube is the one provided by qusal (sys-wireguard), but you can use with any other wireguard qube.

Read GNU Bash Shell Parameter Expansion for more information, although it applies to Bourne Shell, Ksh and Zsh and many others, so it is widely supported, not only Bash.

If you understood the above and wants to contribute a usage message, I can accept that, use git-init-qrexec usage message as template.

ben-grande commented 5 months ago

Note: Your commits do not follow the format required for contribution, if you run gitlint and pre-commit locally you will see, for now, the linting is not working for PRs.

n1ete commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the explanation, learned something new! I made a sys-mitmproxy saltstate will need to lint and cleanup the scripts, but i will do a new pull request and close this one for now then... :)

ben-grande commented 5 months ago

I made a sys-mitmproxy saltstate will need to lint and cleanup the scripts, but i will do a new pull request and close this one for now then... :)

If you plan to contribute a new formula such as sys-mitmproxy, please open an issue first to discuss it, this makes sure you don't waste time in case it is not accepted.