ben-grande / qusal

Salt Formulas for Qubes OS.
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add: simple sync script that uses qvm-copy-to-dom0 #26

Closed peakunshift closed 3 months ago

peakunshift commented 4 months ago

Simple one-liner when qube and file never change.

ben-grande commented 4 months ago

The linting will fail, please checkout the logs to understand why. See the linting section in the contribution guidelines.


  1. Remove option -i (interactive) should not have been used, I should not have put it without testing, I though it would only ask once, but it asks for every descending file.

  2. Root is not necessary, why is sudo used?

  3. The comment about editing the sync script should be made outside of the fenced code block.

  4. Last and most important, there is no indication that the script should be copied to outside of the repository, if the user runs the script, it will delete the script itself with the values the user has set for $qube and $file.

The README update instructions are really bare bones and I am thinking on a better way to update Qusal with a single command, but nothing was done in this regard yet. There is nothing I can do about the installation instructions though, it is how Qubes isolation is.

ben-grande commented 4 months ago

Please don't be discouraged by my review for next changes on this PR or any other. I have strict guidelines for contributing, which although it becomes hard for new contributors, it can maintain the source code consistent.

ben-grande commented 2 months ago

PR was not closed on purpose, but via force push. Due to inactivity/lack of replies, I will keep it closed.