ben-grande / qusal

Salt Formulas for Qubes OS.
14 stars 6 forks source link

documentation of a newbs journey to getting sys-audio/salt in general to work. #30

Closed crobinsonuk closed 1 week ago

crobinsonuk commented 4 months ago

I am a complete newb to salt and only slightly less of a newb to linux in general. The problem with qubes is that once you have bought into the design philosophy of anonymity through isolation, no other OS even comes close to fulfilling its promise. So, if one doesn't wish to compromise ones own usage envelope one becomes a compelled to soldier on with an OS with a learning curve so steep that I often feel when I take a step forward I must also take two steps back..

Truly, Qubes is the eve-online of operating systems. But just because something is difficult doesn't make it not worth doing,

I have been trying to get audio to work for sometime so that I can get my bluetooth speakers/headset to work. I'd like to set up a Kodi qube, since starting to use qubes about 4 months ago I have needed transfer any content with sound to my windows laptop, and in doing so defeating the purpose of using qubes altogether. Ideally I'd like to stop using windows outside of virtual instancing, if at all.

After a lot of failure I found Ben's guide last night and thought it looked so simple even I'd be able to do it; sadly however, this was not to be the case. After emailing Ben for help he suggested I document my journey here so that others might learn from my learning experience too. As I run into difficulty, Ben will explain how to overcome each issue so that ultimately there is a roadmap that other Qube newbies (Quewbies?) can subsequently follow.

Beyond Ben' the other salt resources I have looked at are qubes salt beginners guide by leo, and Salt Configuration Management by Gonzalos.

For the ease of subsequent readers, I will state the CLI command given and then in a quotation box state the output spat out by Dom0.

crobinsonuk commented 3 months ago

I started off by reinstalling qubes so that I had a clean slate upon which to work. After the reinstall completed I tried something Ben had suggested and realised I could not only attach my USB BT dongle to sys-usb, but hear youtube being played on it. After marvelling briefly whether it could really be that easy, I noticed the dl speed was about 5% of what it was on my other qubes. However, when I attempted to overcome this imbalance, I somehow managed to disable ethernet altogether and well, to cut a long story short, after about 90 minutes ended up reinstalling qubes for the second time in an evening.

Hopefully this example emphasizes well my lack of technical ability outside of a Windows environment. This time when configuring I decided to combine sys-net and sys-usb and, while I could once again attached the BT dongle to sys-usb (well, sys-net now), I could no longer hear any sound. Without further ado I must therefore continue in my audio-seeking quest!

I start first with the Gonzalos guide to check salt is installed and enable qubes.user-dirs given that Ben's instructions seem to start afterwards

[core-admin@dom0 Desktop]$ sudo dnf install qubes-mgmt-salt-base-config

Qubes OS Repository for Dom0                    0.0  B/s |   0  B     00:00    
Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'qubes-dom0-cached':
  - Curl error (37): Couldn't read a file:// file for file:///var/lib/qubes/updates/repodata/repomd.xml [Couldn't open file /var/lib/qubes/updates/repodata/repomd.xml]
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'qubes-dom0-cached': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried
Ignoring repositories: qubes-dom0-cached
Package qubes-mgmt-salt-base-config-4.1.2-1.fc37.noarch is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

[core-admin@dom0 Desktop]$ sudo qubesctl top.enable qubes.users-dirs

This command threw a massive strop too lengthy to paste here and refused to complete. Sighing in exasperation at my own inability, I tried looking at leo's guide to see if it would help me make sense of why Gonzalos command wouldn't work. After some time, I noticed that the syntax in leos guide had 'user' as singular rather than plural and so tried again:

[core-admin@dom0 Desktop]$ sudo qubesctl top.enable qubes.user-dirs



[core-admin@dom0 Desktop]$ sudo qubesctl top.enabled

        - /srv/salt/_tops/base/

Although Gonzalos guide had a second state in the base marked 'topd' neither he nor leo refer to this field so I ignore it and attempt to continue:

[core-admin@dom0 Desktop]$ sudo qubesctl state.apply

          ID: directory_srv_user_salt
        Name: /srv/user_salt
      Result: True
     Started: 07:07:29.221272
    Duration: 5.78 ms
          ID: directory_srv_user_pillar
        Name: /srv/user_pillar
      Result: True
     Started: 07:07:29.227132
    Duration: 1.016 ms
          ID: directory_srv_user_formulas
        Name: /srv/user_formulas
      Result: True
     Started: 07:07:29.228222
    Duration: 1.135 ms
          ID: /srv/user_salt/top.sls
    Function: file.managed
      Result: True
     Comment: File /srv/user_salt/top.sls updated
     Started: 07:07:29.229580
    Duration: 60.078 ms
                  New file
          ID: /srv/user_pillar/top.sls
    Function: file.managed
      Result: True
     Comment: File /srv/user_pillar/top.sls updated
     Started: 07:07:29.289861
    Duration: 60.16 ms
                  New file
          ID: /srv/user_salt/locale
      Result: True
     Started: 07:07:29.350095
    Duration: 1.012 ms
          ID: /srv/user_salt/locale/init.sls
    Function: file.managed
      Result: True
     Comment: File /srv/user_salt/locale/init.sls updated
     Started: 07:07:29.351319
    Duration: 60.288 ms
                  New file

Summary for local
Succeeded: 7 (changed=7)
Failed:    0
Total states run:     7
Total run time: 189.469 ms

Feeling buoyed by my success, not to mention the bouncy house pumping in the background, I turn my attention back to leos guide, noticing the he seems more concerned with the creation of state files than top files. Remembering that Ben's instructions include both, I decide in for a penny, in for a pound, and throw his instructions into Dom0 too for good measure:

[core-admin@dom0 Desktop]$ sudo qubesctl state.sls qubes.user-dirs

          ID: directory_srv_user_salt
        Name: /srv/user_salt
      Result: True
     Comment: The directory /srv/user_salt is in the correct state
     Started: 07:17:38.449349
    Duration: 5.313 ms
          ID: directory_srv_user_pillar
        Name: /srv/user_pillar
      Result: True
     Comment: The directory /srv/user_pillar is in the correct state
     Started: 07:17:38.454742
    Duration: 1.078 ms
          ID: directory_srv_user_formulas
        Name: /srv/user_formulas
      Result: True
     Comment: The directory /srv/user_formulas is in the correct state
     Started: 07:17:38.455895
    Duration: 0.804 ms
          ID: /srv/user_salt/top.sls
    Function: file.managed
      Result: True
     Comment: File /srv/user_salt/top.sls exists with proper permissions. No changes made.
     Started: 07:17:38.456907
    Duration: 0.925 ms
          ID: /srv/user_pillar/top.sls
    Function: file.managed
      Result: True
     Comment: File /srv/user_pillar/top.sls exists with proper permissions. No changes made.
     Started: 07:17:38.458025
    Duration: 0.929 ms
          ID: /srv/user_salt/locale
      Result: True
     Comment: The directory /srv/user_salt/locale is in the correct state
     Started: 07:17:38.459026
    Duration: 0.892 ms
          ID: /srv/user_salt/locale/init.sls
    Function: file.managed
      Result: True
     Comment: File /srv/user_salt/locale/init.sls exists with proper permissions. No changes made.
     Started: 07:17:38.460125
    Duration: 0.988 ms

Summary for local
Succeeded: 7
Failed:    0
Total states run:     7
Total run time:  10.929 ms

I'm not going to bother with colours in this guide, but lets just say there was a lot more green on the page than I had expected. As the first track in my playlist comes to an end I put on another while reflecting on how to succinctly ask Ben what to do next.

crobinsonuk commented 3 months ago

Questions for Ben:

  1. The lines with top in it already exist in the final screen dump. does this mean I had no need to the bit with Gonzalos instructions it first?.
  2. After this point leo and Ben's seem to diverge even more. Reading ahead there is a worked example in Gonzalos guide that seems similar to the .top and .sls files in your github fork. Whereas leo seems to tackle a fairly small and somewhat restricted usage example, Gonzalos worked example is much more expansive. However, neither seem to have both top AND sls files in them (I may have overlooked them).
  3. Am I right in thinking that from here it is simply a case of saving the top and sls files in your github fork in a specific place on dom0, and then running the commands listed in the readme in a terminal in dom0? If so, which directory of the ones I just created should I be using? Should I be consolidating them into one file or just saving them seperately?
  4. Do the top commands need to be done before the sls commaneds or vice versa?
  5. Anything else I need to know?
ben-grande commented 3 months ago

Questions for Ben:

  1. The lines with top in it already exist in the final screen dump. does this mean I had no need to the bit with Gonzalos instructions it first?.

Yes, you didn't have to do anything from any other documentation.

  1. After this point leo and Ben's seem to diverge even more. Reading ahead there is a worked example in Gonzalos guide that seems similar to the .top and .sls files in your github fork. Whereas leo seems to tackle a fairly small and somewhat restricted usage example, Gonzalos worked example is much more expansive. However, neither seem to have both top AND sls files in them (I may have overlooked them).

Same as replied in 1.

  1. Am I right in thinking that from here it is simply a case of saving the top and sls files in your github fork in a specific place on dom0, and then running the commands listed in the readme in a terminal in dom0? If so, which directory of the ones I just created should I be using? Should I be consolidating them into one file or just saving them seperately?

Please follow the Qusal installation instructions:

Have you done these steps? You can redo them without a problem. Please share output.

  1. Do the top commands need to be done before the sls commaneds or vice versa?

No, you need to choose between the top or the sls instructions, not both.

After installing the Salt files in dom0, please run:

sudo qubesctl --show-output state.apply sys-audio.create
sudo qubesctl --show-output --skip-dom0 --targets=tpl-sys-audio state.apply sys-audio.install
sudo qubesctl --show-output --skip-dom0 --targets=dvm-sys-audio state.apply sys-audio.configure-dvm
  1. Anything else I need to know?

Yes, I didn't see you running any of Qusal's states. please do as instructed in 4.

crobinsonuk commented 3 months ago

Aha, I see. Okey doke then:

DomU Installation

[user@Template-fedora-38-xfce ~]$ sudo dnf install git-all

Fedora 38 - x86_64                               24 MB/s |  83 MB     00:03    
Fedora 38 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64        1.1 kB/s | 2.6 kB     00:02    
Fedora 38 - x86_64 - Updates                     16 MB/s |  40 MB     00:02    
Qubes OS Repository for VM (updates)            311 kB/s | 340 kB     00:01    
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                      Arch      Version                Repository  Size
 git-all                      noarch    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates     11 k
 git                          x86_64    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates     53 k
 git-core                     x86_64    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates    4.5 M
 git-core-doc                 noarch    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates    2.9 M
 perl-Git                     noarch    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates     40 k
 vim-common                   x86_64    2:9.1.113-1.fc38       updates    7.8 M
 vim-data                     noarch    2:9.1.113-1.fc38       updates     23 k
 vim-enhanced                 x86_64    2:9.1.113-1.fc38       updates    1.9 M
Installing dependencies:
 apr                          x86_64    1.7.2-2.fc38           fedora     127 k
 apr-util                     x86_64    1.6.3-2.fc38           fedora      96 k
 cvs                          x86_64    1.11.23-63.fc38        fedora     600 k
 cvsps                        x86_64    2.2-0.32.b1.fc38       fedora      59 k
 git-credential-libsecret     x86_64    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates     18 k
 git-cvs                      noarch    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates     96 k
 git-daemon                   x86_64    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates    333 k
 git-email                    noarch    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates     57 k
 git-gui                      noarch    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates    258 k
 git-instaweb                 noarch    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates     28 k
 git-p4                       noarch    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates     79 k
 git-subtree                  noarch    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates     38 k
 git-svn                      noarch    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates     73 k
 gitk                         noarch    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates    161 k
 gitweb                       noarch    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates    147 k
 libserf                      x86_64    1.3.10-3.fc38          updates     59 k
 lighttpd                     x86_64    1.4.74-1.fc38          updates    447 k
 lighttpd-filesystem          noarch    1.4.74-1.fc38          updates    9.2 k
 lighttpd-mod_authn_ldap      x86_64    1.4.74-1.fc38          updates     17 k
 lighttpd-mod_deflate         x86_64    1.4.74-1.fc38          updates     25 k
 lighttpd-mod_magnet          x86_64    1.4.74-1.fc38          updates     39 k
 lighttpd-mod_openssl         x86_64    1.4.74-1.fc38          updates     30 k
 lighttpd-mod_vhostdb_ldap    x86_64    1.4.74-1.fc38          updates     16 k
 lighttpd-mod_webdav          x86_64    1.4.74-1.fc38          updates     40 k
 mailcap                      noarch    2.1.53-5.fc38          fedora      33 k
 perl-Authen-SASL             noarch    2.16-29.fc38           fedora      55 k
 perl-CGI                     noarch    4.57-1.fc38            updates    202 k
 perl-Clone                   x86_64    0.46-2.fc38            fedora      22 k
 perl-DBD-SQLite              x86_64    1.72-2.fc38            fedora     202 k
 perl-DBI                     x86_64    1.643-15.fc38          fedora     709 k
 perl-Digest-HMAC             noarch    1.04-7.fc38            fedora      22 k
 perl-Email-Valid             noarch    1.203-1.fc38           fedora      24 k
 perl-File-Slurper            noarch    0.014-2.fc38           fedora      21 k
 perl-GSSAPI                  x86_64    0.28-41.fc38           fedora      55 k
 perl-Git-SVN                 noarch    2.44.0-1.fc38          updates     55 k
 perl-HTML-Parser             x86_64    3.81-1.fc38            fedora     124 k
 perl-HTML-Tagset             noarch    3.20-53.fc38           fedora      18 k
 perl-HTTP-Date               noarch    6.06-1.fc38            updates     24 k
 perl-HTTP-Message            noarch    6.44-2.fc38            fedora     101 k
 perl-IO-HTML                 noarch    1.004-10.fc38          fedora      28 k
 perl-LWP-MediaTypes          noarch    6.04-14.fc38           fedora      33 k
 perl-MailTools               noarch    2.21-13.fc38           fedora     108 k
 perl-Net-SMTP-SSL            noarch    1.04-20.fc38           fedora      12 k
 perl-TimeDate                noarch    1:2.33-10.fc38         fedora      58 k
 perl-YAML                    noarch    1.30-14.fc38           fedora      86 k
 subversion                   x86_64    1.14.3-1.fc38          updates    1.0 M
 subversion-libs              x86_64    1.14.3-1.fc38          updates    1.5 M
 subversion-perl              x86_64    1.14.3-1.fc38          updates    951 k
 tk                           x86_64    1:8.6.12-4.fc38        fedora     1.6 M
 utf8proc                     x86_64    2.7.0-4.fc38           fedora      80 k
 vim-minimal                  x86_64    2:9.1.113-1.fc38       updates    806 k
Installing weak dependencies:
 apr-util-bdb                 x86_64    1.6.3-2.fc38           fedora      13 k
 apr-util-openssl             x86_64    1.6.3-2.fc38           fedora      15 k
 perl-IO-Compress-Brotli      x86_64    0.004001-7.fc38        fedora      27 k
 perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict      x86_64    0.010-2.fc38           fedora      26 k

Transaction Summary
Install  56 Packages
Upgrade   7 Packages

Total download size: 28 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
(1/63): apr-1.7.2-2.fc38.x86_64.rpm             394 kB/s | 127 kB     00:00    
(2/63): apr-util-bdb-1.6.3-2.fc38.x86_64.rpm     37 kB/s |  13 kB     00:00    
(3/63): apr-util-openssl-1.6.3-2.fc38.x86_64.rp 225 kB/s |  15 kB     00:00    
(4/63): apr-util-1.6.3-2.fc38.x86_64.rpm        233 kB/s |  96 kB     00:00    
(5/63): cvsps-2.2-0.32.b1.fc38.x86_64.rpm       863 kB/s |  59 kB     00:00    
(6/63): mailcap-2.1.53-5.fc38.noarch.rpm        471 kB/s |  33 kB     00:00    
(7/63): cvs-1.11.23-63.fc38.x86_64.rpm          3.3 MB/s | 600 kB     00:00    
(8/63): perl-Authen-SASL-2.16-29.fc38.noarch.rp 798 kB/s |  55 kB     00:00    
(9/63): perl-Clone-0.46-2.fc38.x86_64.rpm       336 kB/s |  22 kB     00:00    
(10/63): perl-DBD-SQLite-1.72-2.fc38.x86_64.rpm 2.7 MB/s | 202 kB     00:00    
(11/63): perl-Digest-HMAC-1.04-7.fc38.noarch.rp 332 kB/s |  22 kB     00:00    
(12/63): perl-DBI-1.643-15.fc38.x86_64.rpm      5.7 MB/s | 709 kB     00:00    
(13/63): perl-Email-Valid-1.203-1.fc38.noarch.r 362 kB/s |  24 kB     00:00    
(14/63): perl-File-Slurper-0.014-2.fc38.noarch. 330 kB/s |  21 kB     00:00    
(15/63): perl-GSSAPI-0.28-41.fc38.x86_64.rpm    727 kB/s |  55 kB     00:00    
(16/63): perl-HTML-Parser-3.81-1.fc38.x86_64.rp 1.7 MB/s | 124 kB     00:00    
(17/63): perl-HTML-Tagset-3.20-53.fc38.noarch.r 286 kB/s |  18 kB     00:00    
(18/63): perl-HTTP-Message-6.44-2.fc38.noarch.r 1.4 MB/s | 101 kB     00:00    
(19/63): perl-IO-Compress-Brotli-0.004001-7.fc3 373 kB/s |  27 kB     00:00    
(20/63): perl-IO-HTML-1.004-10.fc38.noarch.rpm  435 kB/s |  28 kB     00:00    
(21/63): perl-LWP-MediaTypes-6.04-14.fc38.noarc 502 kB/s |  33 kB     00:00    
(22/63): perl-MailTools-2.21-13.fc38.noarch.rpm 1.4 MB/s | 108 kB     00:00    
(23/63): perl-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.04-20.fc38.noarch. 161 kB/s |  12 kB     00:00    
(24/63): perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict-0.010-2.fc38.x 400 kB/s |  26 kB     00:00    
(25/63): perl-TimeDate-2.33-10.fc38.noarch.rpm  881 kB/s |  58 kB     00:00    
(26/63): perl-YAML-1.30-14.fc38.noarch.rpm      1.1 MB/s |  86 kB     00:00    
(27/63): git-all-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch.rpm       174 kB/s |  11 kB     00:00    
(28/63): utf8proc-2.7.0-4.fc38.x86_64.rpm       1.0 MB/s |  80 kB     00:00    
(29/63): tk-8.6.12-4.fc38.x86_64.rpm             16 MB/s | 1.6 MB     00:00    
(30/63): git-credential-libsecret-2.44.0-1.fc38 266 kB/s |  18 kB     00:00    
(31/63): git-cvs-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch.rpm       1.3 MB/s |  96 kB     00:00    
(32/63): git-daemon-2.44.0-1.fc38.x86_64.rpm    4.7 MB/s | 333 kB     00:00    
(33/63): git-email-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch.rpm     855 kB/s |  57 kB     00:00    
(34/63): git-instaweb-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch.rpm  437 kB/s |  28 kB     00:00    
(35/63): git-gui-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch.rpm       2.1 MB/s | 258 kB     00:00    
(36/63): git-p4-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch.rpm        1.0 MB/s |  79 kB     00:00    
(37/63): git-subtree-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch.rpm   582 kB/s |  38 kB     00:00    
(38/63): git-svn-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch.rpm       1.1 MB/s |  73 kB     00:00    
(39/63): gitweb-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch.rpm        1.9 MB/s | 147 kB     00:00    
(40/63): gitk-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch.rpm          1.8 MB/s | 161 kB     00:00    
(41/63): libserf-1.3.10-3.fc38.x86_64.rpm       887 kB/s |  59 kB     00:00    
(42/63): lighttpd-filesystem-1.4.74-1.fc38.noar 136 kB/s | 9.2 kB     00:00    
(43/63): lighttpd-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64.rpm      5.5 MB/s | 447 kB     00:00    
(44/63): lighttpd-mod_authn_ldap-1.4.74-1.fc38. 262 kB/s |  17 kB     00:00    
(45/63): lighttpd-mod_deflate-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86 357 kB/s |  25 kB     00:00    
(46/63): lighttpd-mod_magnet-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_ 596 kB/s |  39 kB     00:00    
(47/63): lighttpd-mod_openssl-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86 447 kB/s |  30 kB     00:00    
(48/63): lighttpd-mod_vhostdb_ldap-1.4.74-1.fc3 225 kB/s |  16 kB     00:00    
(49/63): lighttpd-mod_webdav-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_ 570 kB/s |  40 kB     00:00    
(50/63): perl-CGI-4.57-1.fc38.noarch.rpm        2.6 MB/s | 202 kB     00:00    
(51/63): perl-Git-SVN-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch.rpm  838 kB/s |  55 kB     00:00    
(52/63): perl-HTTP-Date-6.06-1.fc38.noarch.rpm  349 kB/s |  24 kB     00:00    
(53/63): subversion-1.14.3-1.fc38.x86_64.rpm     10 MB/s | 1.0 MB     00:00    
(54/63): subversion-libs-1.14.3-1.fc38.x86_64.r  16 MB/s | 1.5 MB     00:00    
(55/63): vim-minimal-9.1.113-1.fc38.x86_64.rpm  9.5 MB/s | 806 kB     00:00    
(56/63): subversion-perl-1.14.3-1.fc38.x86_64.r 6.5 MB/s | 951 kB     00:00    
(57/63): git-2.44.0-1.fc38.x86_64.rpm           794 kB/s |  53 kB     00:00    
(58/63): git-core-doc-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch.rpm   22 MB/s | 2.9 MB     00:00    
(59/63): git-core-2.44.0-1.fc38.x86_64.rpm       21 MB/s | 4.5 MB     00:00    
(60/63): perl-Git-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch.rpm      161 kB/s |  40 kB     00:00    
(61/63): vim-data-9.1.113-1.fc38.noarch.rpm     317 kB/s |  23 kB     00:00    
(62/63): vim-common-9.1.113-1.fc38.x86_64.rpm    39 MB/s | 7.8 MB     00:00    
(63/63): vim-enhanced-9.1.113-1.fc38.x86_64.rpm  19 MB/s | 1.9 MB     00:00    
Total                                           7.4 MB/s |  28 MB     00:03     
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                        1/1 
  Installing       : apr-1.7.2-2.fc38.x86_64                               1/70 
  Installing       : apr-util-bdb-1.6.3-2.fc38.x86_64                      2/70 
  Installing       : apr-util-openssl-1.6.3-2.fc38.x86_64                  3/70 
  Installing       : apr-util-1.6.3-2.fc38.x86_64                          4/70 
  Upgrading        : git-core-2.44.0-1.fc38.x86_64                         5/70 
  Upgrading        : vim-data-2:9.1.113-1.fc38.noarch                      6/70 
  Installing       : utf8proc-2.7.0-4.fc38.x86_64                          7/70 
  Running scriptlet: tk-1:8.6.12-4.fc38.x86_64                             8/70 
  Installing       : tk-1:8.6.12-4.fc38.x86_64                             8/70 
  Installing       : perl-TimeDate-1:2.33-10.fc38.noarch                   9/70 
  Installing       : perl-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.04-20.fc38.noarch                10/70 
  Installing       : perl-MailTools-2.21-13.fc38.noarch                   11/70 
  Installing       : perl-Clone-0.46-2.fc38.x86_64                        12/70 
  Installing       : perl-DBI-1.643-15.fc38.x86_64                        13/70 
  Installing       : perl-DBD-SQLite-1.72-2.fc38.x86_64                   14/70 
  Installing       : perl-Email-Valid-1.203-1.fc38.noarch                 15/70 
  Installing       : perl-HTTP-Date-6.06-1.fc38.noarch                    16/70 
  Installing       : vim-minimal-2:9.1.113-1.fc38.x86_64                  17/70 
  Installing       : cvs-1.11.23-63.fc38.x86_64                           18/70 
  Running scriptlet: cvs-1.11.23-63.fc38.x86_64                           18/70 
  Installing       : cvsps-2.2-0.32.b1.fc38.x86_64                        19/70 
  Upgrading        : vim-common-2:9.1.113-1.fc38.x86_64                   20/70 
  Installing       : git-daemon-2.44.0-1.fc38.x86_64                      21/70 
  Running scriptlet: git-daemon-2.44.0-1.fc38.x86_64                      21/70 
  Installing       : git-subtree-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                     22/70 
  Upgrading        : git-core-doc-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                    23/70 
  Upgrading        : perl-Git-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                        24/70 
  Upgrading        : git-2.44.0-1.fc38.x86_64                             25/70 
  Installing       : git-gui-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                         26/70 
  Installing       : gitk-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                            27/70 
  Installing       : git-credential-libsecret-2.44.0-1.fc38.x86_64        28/70 
  Installing       : git-cvs-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                         29/70 
  Installing       : git-p4-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                          30/70 
  Installing       : libserf-1.3.10-3.fc38.x86_64                         31/70 
  Installing       : subversion-libs-1.14.3-1.fc38.x86_64                 32/70 
  Installing       : subversion-1.14.3-1.fc38.x86_64                      33/70 
  Running scriptlet: subversion-1.14.3-1.fc38.x86_64                      33/70 
  Installing       : subversion-perl-1.14.3-1.fc38.x86_64                 34/70 
  Running scriptlet: lighttpd-filesystem-1.4.74-1.fc38.noarch             35/70 
  Installing       : lighttpd-filesystem-1.4.74-1.fc38.noarch             35/70 
  Installing       : lighttpd-mod_authn_ldap-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64         36/70 
  Installing       : lighttpd-mod_deflate-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64            37/70 
  Installing       : lighttpd-mod_magnet-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64             38/70 
  Installing       : lighttpd-mod_openssl-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64            39/70 
  Installing       : lighttpd-mod_vhostdb_ldap-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64       40/70 
  Installing       : lighttpd-mod_webdav-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64             41/70 
  Installing       : lighttpd-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64                        42/70 
  Running scriptlet: lighttpd-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64                        42/70 
  Installing       : perl-YAML-1.30-14.fc38.noarch                        43/70 
  Installing       : perl-Git-SVN-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                    44/70 
  Installing       : git-svn-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                         45/70 
  Installing       : perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict-0.010-2.fc38.x86_64          46/70 
  Installing       : perl-File-Slurper-0.014-2.fc38.noarch                47/70 
  Installing       : perl-IO-Compress-Brotli-0.004001-7.fc38.x86_64       48/70 
  Installing       : perl-IO-HTML-1.004-10.fc38.noarch                    49/70 
  Installing       : perl-HTML-Tagset-3.20-53.fc38.noarch                 50/70 
  Installing       : perl-GSSAPI-0.28-41.fc38.x86_64                      51/70 
  Installing       : perl-Digest-HMAC-1.04-7.fc38.noarch                  52/70 
  Installing       : perl-Authen-SASL-2.16-29.fc38.noarch                 53/70 
  Installing       : git-email-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                       54/70 
  Installing       : mailcap-2.1.53-5.fc38.noarch                         55/70 
  Installing       : perl-LWP-MediaTypes-6.04-14.fc38.noarch              56/70 
  Installing       : perl-HTTP-Message-6.44-2.fc38.noarch                 57/70 
  Installing       : perl-HTML-Parser-3.81-1.fc38.x86_64                  58/70 
  Installing       : perl-CGI-4.57-1.fc38.noarch                          59/70 
  Installing       : gitweb-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                          60/70 
  Installing       : git-instaweb-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                    61/70 
  Installing       : git-all-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                         62/70 
  Upgrading        : vim-enhanced-2:9.1.113-1.fc38.x86_64                 63/70 
  Cleanup          : git-2.43.0-1.fc38.x86_64                             64/70 
  Cleanup          : git-core-doc-2.43.0-1.fc38.noarch                    65/70 
  Cleanup          : vim-enhanced-2:9.0.2167-1.fc38.x86_64                66/70 
  Cleanup          : vim-common-2:9.0.2167-1.fc38.x86_64                  67/70 
  Cleanup          : vim-data-2:9.0.2167-1.fc38.noarch                    68/70 
  Cleanup          : perl-Git-2.43.0-1.fc38.noarch                        69/70 
  Cleanup          : git-core-2.43.0-1.fc38.x86_64                        70/70 
  Running scriptlet: git-core-2.43.0-1.fc38.x86_64                        70/70 
  Verifying        : apr-1.7.2-2.fc38.x86_64                               1/70 
  Verifying        : apr-util-1.6.3-2.fc38.x86_64                          2/70 
  Verifying        : apr-util-bdb-1.6.3-2.fc38.x86_64                      3/70 
  Verifying        : apr-util-openssl-1.6.3-2.fc38.x86_64                  4/70 
  Verifying        : cvs-1.11.23-63.fc38.x86_64                            5/70 
  Verifying        : cvsps-2.2-0.32.b1.fc38.x86_64                         6/70 
  Verifying        : mailcap-2.1.53-5.fc38.noarch                          7/70 
  Verifying        : perl-Authen-SASL-2.16-29.fc38.noarch                  8/70 
  Verifying        : perl-Clone-0.46-2.fc38.x86_64                         9/70 
  Verifying        : perl-DBD-SQLite-1.72-2.fc38.x86_64                   10/70 
  Verifying        : perl-DBI-1.643-15.fc38.x86_64                        11/70 
  Verifying        : perl-Digest-HMAC-1.04-7.fc38.noarch                  12/70 
  Verifying        : perl-Email-Valid-1.203-1.fc38.noarch                 13/70 
  Verifying        : perl-File-Slurper-0.014-2.fc38.noarch                14/70 
  Verifying        : perl-GSSAPI-0.28-41.fc38.x86_64                      15/70 
  Verifying        : perl-HTML-Parser-3.81-1.fc38.x86_64                  16/70 
  Verifying        : perl-HTML-Tagset-3.20-53.fc38.noarch                 17/70 
  Verifying        : perl-HTTP-Message-6.44-2.fc38.noarch                 18/70 
  Verifying        : perl-IO-Compress-Brotli-0.004001-7.fc38.x86_64       19/70 
  Verifying        : perl-IO-HTML-1.004-10.fc38.noarch                    20/70 
  Verifying        : perl-LWP-MediaTypes-6.04-14.fc38.noarch              21/70 
  Verifying        : perl-MailTools-2.21-13.fc38.noarch                   22/70 
  Verifying        : perl-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.04-20.fc38.noarch                23/70 
  Verifying        : perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict-0.010-2.fc38.x86_64          24/70 
  Verifying        : perl-TimeDate-1:2.33-10.fc38.noarch                  25/70 
  Verifying        : perl-YAML-1.30-14.fc38.noarch                        26/70 
  Verifying        : tk-1:8.6.12-4.fc38.x86_64                            27/70 
  Verifying        : utf8proc-2.7.0-4.fc38.x86_64                         28/70 
  Verifying        : git-all-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                         29/70 
  Verifying        : git-credential-libsecret-2.44.0-1.fc38.x86_64        30/70 
  Verifying        : git-cvs-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                         31/70 
  Verifying        : git-daemon-2.44.0-1.fc38.x86_64                      32/70 
  Verifying        : git-email-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                       33/70 
  Verifying        : git-gui-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                         34/70 
  Verifying        : git-instaweb-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                    35/70 
  Verifying        : git-p4-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                          36/70 
  Verifying        : git-subtree-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                     37/70 
  Verifying        : git-svn-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                         38/70 
  Verifying        : gitk-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                            39/70 
  Verifying        : gitweb-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                          40/70 
  Verifying        : libserf-1.3.10-3.fc38.x86_64                         41/70 
  Verifying        : lighttpd-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64                        42/70 
  Verifying        : lighttpd-filesystem-1.4.74-1.fc38.noarch             43/70 
  Verifying        : lighttpd-mod_authn_ldap-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64         44/70 
  Verifying        : lighttpd-mod_deflate-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64            45/70 
  Verifying        : lighttpd-mod_magnet-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64             46/70 
  Verifying        : lighttpd-mod_openssl-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64            47/70 
  Verifying        : lighttpd-mod_vhostdb_ldap-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64       48/70 
  Verifying        : lighttpd-mod_webdav-1.4.74-1.fc38.x86_64             49/70 
  Verifying        : perl-CGI-4.57-1.fc38.noarch                          50/70 
  Verifying        : perl-Git-SVN-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                    51/70 
  Verifying        : perl-HTTP-Date-6.06-1.fc38.noarch                    52/70 
  Verifying        : subversion-1.14.3-1.fc38.x86_64                      53/70 
  Verifying        : subversion-libs-1.14.3-1.fc38.x86_64                 54/70 
  Verifying        : subversion-perl-1.14.3-1.fc38.x86_64                 55/70 
  Verifying        : vim-minimal-2:9.1.113-1.fc38.x86_64                  56/70 
  Verifying        : git-2.44.0-1.fc38.x86_64                             57/70 
  Verifying        : git-2.43.0-1.fc38.x86_64                             58/70 
  Verifying        : git-core-2.44.0-1.fc38.x86_64                        59/70 
  Verifying        : git-core-2.43.0-1.fc38.x86_64                        60/70 
  Verifying        : git-core-doc-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                    61/70 
  Verifying        : git-core-doc-2.43.0-1.fc38.noarch                    62/70 
  Verifying        : perl-Git-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch                        63/70 
  Verifying        : perl-Git-2.43.0-1.fc38.noarch                        64/70 
  Verifying        : vim-common-2:9.1.113-1.fc38.x86_64                   65/70 
  Verifying        : vim-common-2:9.0.2167-1.fc38.x86_64                  66/70 
  Verifying        : vim-data-2:9.1.113-1.fc38.noarch                     67/70 
  Verifying        : vim-data-2:9.0.2167-1.fc38.noarch                    68/70 
  Verifying        : vim-enhanced-2:9.1.113-1.fc38.x86_64                 69/70 
  Verifying        : vim-enhanced-2:9.0.2167-1.fc38.x86_64                70/70 
Notifying dom0 about installed applications

  git-2.44.0-1.fc38.x86_64                 git-core-2.44.0-1.fc38.x86_64       
  git-core-doc-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch        perl-Git-2.44.0-1.fc38.noarch       
  vim-common-2:9.1.113-1.fc38.x86_64       vim-data-2:9.1.113-1.fc38.noarch    


[user@Template-fedora-38-xfce ~]$ git --version

git version 2.44.0

[user@My-Git-Qube ~]$ git clone --recurse-submodules

Cloning into 'qusal'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 2985, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1096/1096), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (612/612), done.
remote: Total 2985 (delta 623), reused 813 (delta 408), pack-reused 1889
Receiving objects: 100% (2985/2985), 2.10 MiB | 8.26 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1872/1872), done.
Submodule 'salt/dotfiles' ( registered for path 'salt/dotfiles'
Cloning into '/home/user/qusal/salt/dotfiles'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 477, done.        
remote: Counting objects: 100% (477/477), done.        
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (263/263), done.        
remote: Total 477 (delta 174), reused 424 (delta 121), pack-reused 0        
Receiving objects: 100% (477/477), 157.14 KiB | 2.31 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (174/174), done.
fatal: remote error: upload-pack: not our ref 7885c68cc223922e501a2623c69d40157ccb1a61
fatal: Fetched in submodule path 'salt/dotfiles', but it did not contain 7885c68cc223922e501a2623c69d40157ccb1a61. Direct fetching of that commit failed.
crobinsonuk commented 3 months ago

There was a fatal error at the end of the cloning bit, the dotfiles folder copied but there was nothing inside it:

"fatal: remote error: upload-pack: not our ref 7885c68cc223922e501a2623c69d40157ccb1a61 fatal: Fetched in submodule path 'salt/dotfiles', but it did not contain 7885c68cc223922e501a2623c69d40157ccb1a61. Direct fetching of that commit failed."

On Sun, 10 Mar 2024 at 08:37, ben-grande @.***> wrote:

Questions for Ben:

  1. The lines with top in it already exist in the final screen dump. does this mean I had no need to the bit with Gonzalos instructions it first?.

Yes, you didn't have to do anything from any other documentation.

  1. After this point leo and Ben's seem to diverge even more. Reading ahead there is a worked example in Gonzalos guide that seems similar to the .top and .sls files in your github fork. Whereas leo seems to tackle a fairly small and somewhat restricted usage example, Gonzalos worked example is much more expansive. However, neither seem to have both top AND sls files in them (I may have overlooked them).

Same as replied in 1.

  1. Am I right in thinking that from here it is simply a case of saving the top and sls files in your github fork in a specific place on dom0, and then running the commands listed in the readme in a terminal in dom0? If so, which directory of the ones I just created should I be using? Should I be consolidating them into one file or just saving them seperately?

Please follow the Qusal installation instructions:

Have you done these steps? You can redo them without a problem. Please share output.

  1. Do the top commands need to be done before the sls commaneds or vice versa?

No, you need to choose between the top or the sls instructions, not both.

After installing the Salt files in dom0, please run:

sudo qubesctl --show-output state.apply sys-audio.create sudo qubesctl --show-output --skip-dom0 --targets=tpl-sys-audio state.apply sys-audio.install sudo qubesctl --show-output --skip-dom0 --targets=dvm-sys-audio state.apply sys-audio.configure-dvm

  1. Anything else I need to know?

Yes, I didn't see you running any of Qusal's states. please do as instructed in 4.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

crobinsonuk commented 3 months ago

should i keep on going anyway?

On Sun, 10 Mar 2024 at 20:14, Craig Robinson @.***> wrote:

There was a fatal error at the end of the cloning bit, the dotfiles folder copied but there was nothing inside it:


fatal: remote error: upload-pack: not our ref 7885c68cc223922e501a2623c69d40157ccb1a61 fatal: Fetched in submodule path 'salt/dotfiles', but it did not contain 7885c68cc223922e501a2623c69d40157ccb1a61. Direct fetching of that commit failed."

On Sun, 10 Mar 2024 at 08:37, ben-grande @.***> wrote:

Questions for Ben:

  1. The lines with top in it already exist in the final screen dump. does this mean I had no need to the bit with Gonzalos instructions it first?.

Yes, you didn't have to do anything from any other documentation.

  1. After this point leo and Ben's seem to diverge even more. Reading ahead there is a worked example in Gonzalos guide that seems similar to the .top and .sls files in your github fork. Whereas leo seems to tackle a fairly small and somewhat restricted usage example, Gonzalos worked example is much more expansive. However, neither seem to have both top AND sls files in them (I may have overlooked them).

Same as replied in 1.

  1. Am I right in thinking that from here it is simply a case of saving the top and sls files in your github fork in a specific place on dom0, and then running the commands listed in the readme in a terminal in dom0? If so, which directory of the ones I just created should I be using? Should I be consolidating them into one file or just saving them seperately?

Please follow the Qusal installation instructions:

Have you done these steps? You can redo them without a problem. Please share output.

  1. Do the top commands need to be done before the sls commaneds or vice versa?

No, you need to choose between the top or the sls instructions, not both.

After installing the Salt files in dom0, please run:

sudo qubesctl --show-output state.apply sys-audio.create sudo qubesctl --show-output --skip-dom0 --targets=tpl-sys-audio state.apply sys-audio.install sudo qubesctl --show-output --skip-dom0 --targets=dvm-sys-audio state.apply sys-audio.configure-dvm

  1. Anything else I need to know?

Yes, I didn't see you running any of Qusal's states. please do as instructed in 4.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

crobinsonuk commented 3 months ago

Tried a few variations of the next bit, but none of them worked.

First I tried following your instructions verbatim:

[core-admin@dom0 Desktop]$ qvm-run --pass-io --localcmd="UPDATES_MAX_FILES=10000

/usr/libexec/qubes/qfile-dom0-unpacker user ~/QubesIncoming/${My-Git-Qube}/qusal" \ "${My-Git-Qube}" /usr/lib/qubes/qfile-agent "${My-Git-Qube:/home/user/qusal}"

usage: qvm-run [--verbose] [--quiet] [--help] [--user USER] [--autostart]
               [--no-autostart] [--pass-io] [--localcmd COMMAND] [--gui]
               [--no-gui] [--colour-output COLOUR] [--colour-stderr COLOUR]
               [--no-colour-output] [--no-colour-stderr]
               [--filter-escape-chars] [--no-filter-escape-chars] [--service]
               [--no-shell] [--dispvm [BASE_APPVM] | --all]
               [--exclude EXCLUDE]
               [VMNAME] COMMAND ...
qvm-run: error: no such domain: 'Git-Qube'

Then I thought maybe the parentheses could be there simply as a delineation device and so might not need to be included:

[core-admin@dom0 Desktop]$ qvm-run --pass-io --localcmd="UPDATES_MAX_FILES=10000 /usr/libexec/qubes/qfile-dom0-unpacker user ~/QubesIncoming/$My-Git-Qube/qusal" "$My-Git-Qube" /usr/lib/qubes/qfile-agent "$My-Git-Qube:/home/user/qusal"

usage: qvm-run [--verbose] [--quiet] [--help] [--user USER] [--autostart]
               [--no-autostart] [--pass-io] [--localcmd COMMAND] [--gui]
               [--no-gui] [--colour-output COLOUR] [--colour-stderr COLOUR]
               [--no-colour-output] [--no-colour-stderr]
               [--filter-escape-chars] [--no-filter-escape-chars] [--service]
               [--no-shell] [--dispvm [BASE_APPVM] | --all]
               [--exclude EXCLUDE]
               [VMNAME] COMMAND ...
qvm-run: error: unrecognized arguments: -Git-Qube

Noticing that the 'My' was missing, I wondered whether there needed to be a space between the $ sign and the text string, similarly to the command line prompt spacing:

core-admin@dom0 Desktop]$ qvm-run --pass-io --localcmd="UPDATES_MAX_FILES=10000 /usr/libexec/qubes/qfile-dom0-unpacker user ~/QubesIncoming/$ My-Git-Qube/qusal" "$ My-Git-Qube" /usr/lib/qubes/qfile-agent "$ My-Git-Qube:/home/user/qusal"

usage: qvm-run [--verbose] [--quiet] [--help] [--user USER] [--autostart]
               [--no-autostart] [--pass-io] [--localcmd COMMAND] [--gui]
               [--no-gui] [--colour-output COLOUR] [--colour-stderr COLOUR]
               [--no-colour-output] [--no-colour-stderr]
               [--filter-escape-chars] [--no-filter-escape-chars] [--service]
               [--no-shell] [--dispvm [BASE_APPVM] | --all]
               [--exclude EXCLUDE]
               [VMNAME] COMMAND ...
qvm-run: error: no such domain: '$ My-Git-Qube'

Finally I tried the same thing, only I put the parentheses back in:

[core-admin@dom0 Desktop]$ qvm-run --pass-io --localcmd="UPDATES_MAX_FILES=10000 /usr/libexec/qubes/qfile-dom0-unpacker user ~/QubesIncoming/$ {My-Git-Qube}/qusal" "$ {My-Git-Qube}" /usr/lib/qubes/qfile-agent "$ {My-Git-Qube:/home/user/qusal}"

usage: qvm-run [--verbose] [--quiet] [--help] [--user USER] [--autostart]
               [--no-autostart] [--pass-io] [--localcmd COMMAND] [--gui]
               [--no-gui] [--colour-output COLOUR] [--colour-stderr COLOUR]
               [--no-colour-output] [--no-colour-stderr]
               [--filter-escape-chars] [--no-filter-escape-chars] [--service]
               [--no-shell] [--dispvm [BASE_APPVM] | --all]
               [--exclude EXCLUDE]
               [VMNAME] COMMAND ...
qvm-run: error: no such domain: '$ {My-Git-Qube}'
ben-grande commented 3 months ago

"fatal: remote error: upload-pack: not our ref 7885c68cc223922e501a2623c69d40157ccb1a61 fatal: Fetched in submodule path 'salt/dotfiles', but it did not contain 7885c68cc223922e501a2623c69d40157ccb1a61. Direct fetching of that commit failed."

This mistake was fixed, I was referencing a non-existing commit in the module. Future fetches will work.

ben-grande commented 3 months ago

Just modify the variables assignment, not the every occurrence of them in the code.

Assuming that your qube is called My-Git-Qube and the file is in /home/user/qusal in that qube:


qvm-run --pass-io --localcmd="UPDATES_MAX_FILES=10000
  /usr/libexec/qubes/qfile-dom0-unpacker user
  ~/QubesIncoming/${qube}/qusal" \
  "${qube}" /usr/lib/qubes/qfile-agent "${file}"
crobinsonuk commented 3 months ago

Must have been the only thing I didn't think of to try! To leave an accurate roadmap for any subsequent quewbies to happen upon this, I deleted the qusal folder and did the last two bits over:

[user@My-Git-Qube ~]$ git clone --recurse-submodules

Cloning into 'qusal'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 2988, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1099/1099), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (613/613), done.
remote: Total 2988 (delta 625), reused 816 (delta 410), pack-reused 1889
Receiving objects: 100% (2988/2988), 2.10 MiB | 7.59 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1874/1874), done.
Submodule 'salt/dotfiles' ( registered for path 'salt/dotfiles'
Cloning into '/home/user/qusal/salt/dotfiles'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 489, done.        
remote: Counting objects: 100% (489/489), done.        
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (270/270), done.        
remote: Total 489 (delta 183), reused 431 (delta 125), pack-reused 0        
Receiving objects: 100% (489/489), 159.77 KiB | 2.62 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (183/183), done.
Submodule path 'salt/dotfiles': checked out '50e80029b3a9ac8f92198c97111f0b7085bf9f80'

I can't get the second but to work, I'm going to leave it for a bit and try and again later.

The majority of things I eventually realised were the result of a typo here or an errant space there. But ultimately this seems to be about as far as I can get it:

[core-admin@dom0 Desktop]$ qube="My-Git-Qube" file="/home/user/qusal"

qvm-run --pass-io --localcmd="UPDATES_MAX_FILES=10000 /usr/libexec/qubes/qfile-dom0-unpacker user ~/QubesIncoming/${qube}/quasal" \ "${qube}" /usr/lib/qubes/qfile-agent "${file}"

Invalid parameters, usage: /usr/libexec/qubes/qfile-dom0-unpacker user dir [-v] [-w space] [--only-regular-files]
/bin/sh: line 3: /home/core-admin/QubesIncoming/My-Git-Qube/quasal: No such file or directory
ben-grande commented 3 months ago

Please pay attention and do it again, you did a typo quasal instead of qusal.

Please type the following exactly as it, without changing anything:


qvm-run --pass-io --localcmd="UPDATES_MAX_FILES=10000
  /usr/libexec/qubes/qfile-dom0-unpacker user
  ~/QubesIncoming/${qube}/qusal" \
  "${qube}" /usr/lib/qubes/qfile-agent "${file}"
ben-grande commented 1 week ago

I am closing this issue due to no response. If there is anything that I can do to help, please ask and I will reopen.

crobinsonuk commented 1 week ago

No worries dude, I gave up on qubes altogether shortly afterwards. I think this issue was emblematic of my unwillingness to accept that qubes was always more aimed at the advanced Linux user. Whereas I was only ever an intermediate Windows user and had never used Linux to any serious extent before (except maybe tails and a few brief unfulfilling experiences of kali).

The real irony is how much of qubes I now see in the wider Linux ecosystem. My amazement when I first installed fedora to see the same installer as qubes! And many other similar experiences of 'so that's where it came from'

I wouldn't rule me being back at some future moment when hopefully I can use sound without it being such a headache. In the end I bought a BT pci card which seems to overcome all the bt issues on other distros. Before that (bought for qubes but arrived after I'd given up) was an external bluetooth sender connected through the headphone socket. Which given it didn't connect to the PC overcame the security concerns of A BT device. Buy it was still fiddly.

I do wish the qubes community well and I sincerely hope you'll find a way to monetize it so the devil can get more reward fir the time they all spend on it. Like you did here.

Best wishes

On Tue, 25 Jun 2024, 23:24 ben-grande, @.***> wrote:

I am closing this issue due to no response. If there is anything that I can do to help, please ask and I will reopen.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

crobinsonuk commented 1 week ago

Devs not devil!

On Tue, 25 Jun 2024, 23:56 Craig Robinson, @.***> wrote:

No worries dude, I gave up on qubes altogether shortly afterwards. I think this issue was emblematic of my unwillingness to accept that qubes was always more aimed at the advanced Linux user. Whereas I was only ever an intermediate Windows user and had never used Linux to any serious extent before (except maybe tails and a few brief unfulfilling experiences of kali).

The real irony is how much of qubes I now see in the wider Linux ecosystem. My amazement when I first installed fedora to see the same installer as qubes! And many other similar experiences of 'so that's where it came from'

I wouldn't rule me being back at some future moment when hopefully I can use sound without it being such a headache. In the end I bought a BT pci card which seems to overcome all the bt issues on other distros. Before that (bought for qubes but arrived after I'd given up) was an external bluetooth sender connected through the headphone socket. Which given it didn't connect to the PC overcame the security concerns of A BT device. Buy it was still fiddly.

I do wish the qubes community well and I sincerely hope you'll find a way to monetize it so the devil can get more reward fir the time they all spend on it. Like you did here.

Best wishes

On Tue, 25 Jun 2024, 23:24 ben-grande, @.***> wrote:

I am closing this issue due to no response. If there is anything that I can do to help, please ask and I will reopen.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

ben-grande commented 1 week ago

Hope you have a better experience with Qubes and Qusal next time.