ben-hawks / BadOS

CircuitPython Mini Operating System for Pimoroni Badger2040 Electronic Badge
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add board config system #1

Open ben-hawks opened 11 months ago

ben-hawks commented 11 months ago

Create/add a system to support different boards and their hardware configurations, as well as simplify accessing common values/functions across apps.

Likely implemented as done in this project:

ben-hawks commented 11 months ago

Basic implementation in 73e4e6c515b2bacf29d9e044afefbfa290251c15, still need to update/extend usage of the config object to be used across system files.

ben-hawks commented 1 month ago

Moving to QoL/Nice to have, as the system works for the DC32 badge, but this would be nice to flesh out to support other hardware, too.