ben-manes / gradle-versions-plugin

Gradle plugin to discover dependency updates
Apache License 2.0
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Ignore empty middle projects #756

Open ianbrandt opened 1 year ago

ianbrandt commented 1 year ago

From @jvandort in

The log4j problem was present on 0.44.0 before these changes. It is related to trying to resolve the buildscript classpath configuration in the :subprojects project, which has a log4j dependency constraint. Though since the :subprojects project is empty with only a single subproject itself and no other configuration, it has no plugins.

You can either file a separate issue or add a repository to the :subprojects project.

Reproducer: (commit as of this writing:

As said, ":subprojects" is just an empty middle project with no plugins defined. It's not included on its own in my 'settings.gradle.kts', only ":subprojects:app" is:

It doesn't have its own 'settings.gradle.kts' or 'build.gradle.kts', and only the Versions Plugin is applied to my root build:

I would expect the Versions Plugin to just ignore it. Instead the following is printed:

Failed to determine the latest version for the following dependencies (use --info for details):
 - org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core
The exception that is the cause of unresolved state: org.gradle.internal.resolve.ModuleVersionNotFoundException: Cannot resolve external dependency org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:+ because no repositories are defined.
Required by:
    project :subprojects