ben-ng / phonegap-air

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updated travis xcode_sdk version to iphonesimulator9.3 #13

Open dautermann opened 7 years ago

dautermann commented 7 years ago

travis currently complains while building pull requests:

0.87s$ xctool -project ota-app/platforms/ios/OTAApplication.xcodeproj -scheme OTAApplication -sdk iphonesimulator8.1 build test
ERROR: SDK 'iphonesimulator8.1' doesn't exist.  Possible SDKs include: appletvos9.2, iphonesimulator9.3, macosx, watchos, appletvos, appletvsimulator, iphoneos, 

so here I'm simply updating travis.yml to specify a new minimum iphonesimulator version for validation.

dautermann commented 7 years ago

testing travis again...

dautermann commented 7 years ago

First time I opened this PR, the "pr" check passed and the push check didn't. Now both checks aren't passing. I'm trying again.