Open andreyfel opened 1 year ago
I have the same problem, here same errorlogs;
fast-sourcemap-concat: [Concat: App Tests#5135] error: Warning: mismatched names
Expected: _templateFactory || '_templateFactory' || '_templateFactory' || "_templateFactory" || "_templateFactory"
Got: (hbs`<Steps />`) || (hbs`<Steps />`); || (hbs`<Steps />`); || (hbs`<Steps />`); || (hbs`<Steps />`);
Original Line: await render(hbs`<Steps />`);
Mapping: 11:41→13:16 "_templateFactory" in binder/tests/integration/components/steps/component-test.ts +0ms
fast-sourcemap-concat: [Concat: App Tests#5135] invalid sourcemap for: binder/tests/integration/components/button/component-test.js +1ms
fast-sourcemap-concat: [Concat: App Tests#5135]
I'm using this package in my ember app which is using
which is usingfast-sourcemap-concat
which depends on this package.Recently, after updating
packages to the latest the source maps stopped working.I was able to localize the issue to
's update from 7.20.14 to 7.21.3. Probably after this commit it broke: I run the ember-cli build with
I see the following errors in the output: