ben-rogerson / agency-webpack-mix-config

👨‍💻 A capable website/webapp boilerplate ready for the web agency battlefield. Creates a static site with Twig templating by default. Supports Craft/Wordpress/Laravel after a few adjustments.
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Tailwind CSS not getting parsed (PostCSS) #11

Closed croxton closed 4 years ago

croxton commented 4 years ago

This line in webpack.mix.js no longer seems to parse TailwindCSS directives (just remains as e.g.@tailwind components; in the generated CSS. This was working previously, and I I think was the change that broke it.

    postCss: [
ben-rogerson commented 4 years ago

Hey Mark, you're right there, it now seems that specifying multiple postCss: [...] blocks aren't being merged like they used to.

To fix this, I've made a few changes to the way I recommend postCss plugins to be loaded.

Instead of multiple postCss arrays:

    postCss: [
         require('tailwindcss')('./tailwind.config.js'), // <- this plugin doesn't register
    postCss: [
         require("postcss-preset-env")({ stage: 2 }), // <- this plugin registers

Now combine them into a single array:

const postCssPlugins = [
    require('tailwindcss')('./tailwind.config.js'), // <- this plugin registers
    require("postcss-preset-env")({ stage: 2 }), // <- this plugin registers
mix.options({ postCss: postCssPlugins })

Let me know if this works for you.

croxton commented 4 years ago

Thank you! I can confirm that works, with one change: I commented out this line at the bottom of webpack.mix.js:

    hmrOptions: {
        port: config.webpackDevServerPort,
ben-rogerson commented 4 years ago

Great to hear it's working again. The hmrOptions didn't seem to cause any issues for me but I'll look a little further into it 👍

ben-rogerson commented 4 years ago

Tested again and couldn't find any issues the hmrOptions being present. I'll close this for now but if you'd like me to look further into it, perhaps send over your config.
