Need also to add a results collector for all transients combinations. This results collector is required during the determination of the fictive transients associated to a transients' combination.
Compute stress range Sr(p, p) for all timesteps associated to a single transient p
Compute stress range Sr(p, a) for a combination between 2 transients p, q:
a. if Sr(p,q) <= max(Sr(p,p), Sr(q,q)) : Sr_1 = max(Sr(p,p), Sr(q,q)) and Sr_2 = min(Sr(p,p), Sr(q,q))
b. if Sr(p,q) >= max(Sr(p,p), Sr(q,q)) : Sr_1 = max(Sr(p,p), Sr(q,q)) and Sr_2 must be determine
Add Transient combination