ben / foundry-ironsworn

Ironsworn and Starforged, for Foundry VTT
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discussion: packaging setting-specific content in Adventure documents #878

Open rsek opened 9 months ago

rsek commented 9 months ago

overlaps with #835 FVTT docs on Adventures:

@ben and i chatted about this in discord. the idea is basically:



rsek commented 9 months ago

copy-pasting some notes from discord:

on one hand, encounters makes sense to include in an Adventure in the abstract. on the other... i'm not sure how useful it is to import a bunch of encounters to the world for a game like ironsworn (versus just dragging them in as needed from the compendium pack)

it is possible to exclude some imports when importing an adventure, but it's not very granular

adventure import

there isnt a way to import just move and asset items but exclude encounter progress items. though that specific issue may cease to be a problem once i finish that branch for making all encounters actors, but with special drag behaviour so the user-facing functionality is the same.

JEs are sort of in a weird spot, too. they're the most setting-specific, but importing them all would just be clutter.

so, i guess what we'd want in an Adventure is...

and that's it? :thinking: because i reckon the usage pattern of assets doesn't really lend them to living in the World, either

thinking about it... we'd be bundling the contents of 2-3 packs, tops, for each setting. even in a World-collection-centric move/oracle setup, that may not make for huge gains vs maintaining them as compendium packs instead. that could be accompanied with some NUE/setup wizard so that common configurations (e.g. importing all stock SF moves + oracles) have helpers or easy-to-follow instructions (and include the option to skip that if ppl prefer to DIY it)