ben1605 / Soccer-match-outcome-prediction

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Final Peer Review (rbr76) #10

Open dark-veracity opened 6 years ago

dark-veracity commented 6 years ago

In this project the team attempted to build a model that could predict the outcome of soccer matches. This seems like an interesting topic and, given the presence of soccer match betting, potentially a profitable one. However, I have some problems with the work that was actually done.

After all of this the result is a model with 56% accuracy. Since you're using them as a feature anyway, what I'd really like to see is a comparison to just using the betting odds straight up. How well does your model do relative to the market? If your model does worse than just assuming that the betting odds are always right then we know you're doing something wrong. If on the other hand you can outperform the market then congratulations! You stand to make some money.