ben1605 / Soccer-match-outcome-prediction

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Final Project Peer Review #7

Open jamescalixto opened 6 years ago

jamescalixto commented 6 years ago

This project collated data from three different sources - a database of 25,000 European soccer matches, betting odds for each match, and player and team attributes from FIFA. It used this data to perform an analysis on each player to determine the outcomes of soccer matches.

Comments on the project:

Overall, I enjoyed this project a lot. The results are solid and backed up mathematically, and it has real-world applications. There are several extensions to this paper that would make good follow-up lines of investigation and there are also several things that I would like to see in this paper but on the whole it is a great final project and was fun to read.

ben1605 commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much for your advice, and here's the link for the gif: