benadida / teamstatus

status summarizer from IRC
ISC License
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don't incite botfights. #26

Closed lloyd closed 11 years ago

lloyd commented 12 years ago

On this fine day, qatestbot and teamstatus got in a fight:

for gods sakes man! there are children around!

benadida commented 12 years ago

I love it when people say that Terminator-style doomsday scenarios are crazy. We can't even stop stupid irc bots from fighting.

lmorchard commented 11 years ago

We get the same thing on #mdndev between status and jenkins, which are probably much the same bots. Maybe a blacklist for bots? Maybe require a specific privmsg from a user to "opt-in" & whitelist a particular nick?

ncalexan commented 11 years ago

Ditto for status and jenkins in #androidsync.