benadida / teamstatus

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support tags or other mechanism to mark things complete. #7

Open lloyd opened 12 years ago

lloyd commented 12 years ago

What if including tags like #done were pulled out by status bot and he grouped things into categories? or labeled them?

A common usage seems to be "I'm working on foo" "I finished foo".

How should we handle this usage, or should we not bother?

My proposal would be tags, so this:

<lloyd> status: fixing issue #5 for
<status> lloyd: got it!  thanks!
<lloyd> status: fixing issue #5 for #done
<status> lloyd: tag added!  thanks!

this is a lightweight way to modify existing items... better ideas?

benadida commented 12 years ago

color code them as per shane's idea.

benadida commented 11 years ago

do you think this is still useful? I'm not sure how this would help highlight stuff, but we could do it.