benanders / LuaIDE

An in-game IDE for ComputerCraft
MIT License
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Bug when updated to latest version #46

Open musicchristian opened 10 years ago

musicchristian commented 10 years ago

I was using version 1.1 and it was working fine. Then when I went to update, it updated but there is an error when I try to start the program again. It says:

bios:366: [string "luaide"]:1084: '}' expected

FastQuack commented 9 years ago

I have been updating this code without GravityScore's permission. I hope he doesnt get mad at me for this... All credit goes to GravityScore

nevercast commented 9 years ago

Feel free to submit Pull Requests, @DeGariless Then we can merge your work back in to this repository for others to use too.

1lann commented 9 years ago

Oh, GravityScore would be fine with that, he has stopped developing for ComputerCraft so he wouldn't care. You can do whatever you want with LuaIDE :).

FastQuack commented 9 years ago

@nevercast I think I have submitted Pull Requests. (I barely know how to use gitHub)

@1lann That's good to know. I really enjoy working on the IDE. I hope it's useful to other people as well. :)