benank /

A realtime score sharing system for Stepmania. ⚠️ NOTE: This service is deprecated and no longer works, but you can still self host it.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Ability to select a network share as the "save" directory #14

Open MrTwinkles47 opened 3 years ago

MrTwinkles47 commented 3 years ago

I do not run OBS from the same machine that is running StepMania. If I want to be able to capture and manage the game room for a stream, I must run from the streaming PC. I do have access to the StepMania machine through a network share and can access the "save" directory from the streaming PC.

The ability to select a custom "save" directory would be 🔥.

benank commented 3 years ago

Definitely a good idea! Will put this on the todo list. 😊

geefr commented 3 years ago

The really fun part here will be what each system considers a valid path For linux boxes you can pretty much mount anything, anywhere -> If you can already select something like /tmp/foo then this already works there For windows paths are insanely complicated. Relevant info here, but I'm not sure how that works in the javascript world (Pray there's a utility library to handle it):

MrTwinkles47 commented 3 years ago

I can already select a network path on Windows (mapped to Z:) for the StepMania directory and it installs the lua stuff just fine.