benank /

A realtime score sharing system for Stepmania. ⚠️ NOTE: This service is deprecated and no longer works, but you can still self host it.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Use SM profile display name as the player card name #28

Open MrTwinkles47 opened 3 years ago

MrTwinkles47 commented 3 years ago

If current player has loaded a profile, use the profile's display name as the player card name. Otherwise, continue to use the random Player nnn player name.

Lua to grab the profile name: PROFILEMAN:GetProfile(player):GetDisplayName()

benank commented 3 years ago

I considered this for a while and didn't implement it because of conflict handling - if a player has a display name set in their profile and they decide to change their name on to something else, what should be displayed next time they open it? The saved one, or the profile name? Maybe if there's a profile name then it always takes precedence unless the player edits their name in the game room?

MrTwinkles47 commented 3 years ago

Maybe if there's a profile name then it always takes precedence unless the player edits their name in the game room?

This is how I was picturing it. Use the SM profile name as default, but any edit to the player name in will take priority.

benank commented 3 years ago

Gotcha! I'll bundle this in with some other updates probably later today!