benank /

A realtime score sharing system for Stepmania. ⚠️ NOTE: This service is deprecated and no longer works, but you can still self host it.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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"Infinitesimal" theme detected on Windows but not Linux #34

Open dj505 opened 2 years ago

dj505 commented 2 years ago

When installing on Linux, the installation screen will pick up Soundwaves but not Infinitesimal, despite both working fine on Windows - when manually copying to where it needs to go and modifying ScreenSelectMusic/default.lua accordingly, the client will display the currently selected song and difficulty, but won't recognize that a song has started or keep track of score.

Things I've tried include:

Let me know if I need to provide any more info! I don't think I've ever opened a GitHub issue like this before so I'm not completely sure if I'm doing this right

benank commented 2 years ago

Hey there, thanks the detailed info! That's really weird that it works on Windows and not Linux - I don't think I'm familiar enough to debug this without access to a Linux machine. You've done a lot of the steps that I would recommend and can't think of anything else right now, but I can help you install it manually.

  1. Copy the file over to the BGAnimations folder.
  2. Add these two lines to the top of the file:
    -- Version: 2.3.17
    local SYNC_INTERVAL = 500
  3. Adjust the SYNC_INTERVAL as needed, 500 is default.
  4. Edit three default.lua files in these directories to load the script: a. ScreenEvaluation b. ScreenGameplay c. ScreenSelectMusic
  5. To load the script, just use LoadActor as you are probably familiar. There might be multiple folders with these names, so just choose one, such as ScreenEvaluation Overlay or ScreenGameplay decorations.

Even with these steps, it might not work if the ED client can't detect your installation. These steps will ensure that StepMania sends data to ED, but ED might not recognize the data.

However, feel free to try it out and let me know if that works for you! 😊

dj505 commented 2 years ago

I'll give this a try for sure and report back as soon as I have time, thank you!

dj505 commented 2 years ago

This worked perfectly! Not as smooth as installing via the client but it seems to have no problems, at least none so far. Thanks!

benank commented 2 years ago

Glad to hear that it worked! I'll keep this issue open though in case I get around to actually fixing this bug in the future.